Membership and Geographic Activities Board (MGAB) Liaison Report to Standards Activities Board (SAB) MGAB Liaison David Schultz June 8, 2010
MGAB formed this year The IEEE-CS Chapter Activities Board has merged with the Membership Committee to form the new Membership and Geographic Activities Board (MGAB) Prof. Sankaran chairs the MGAB My specific function this year is to chair the Distinguished Visitor Program (DVP)
MGAB Organization Sankaran has organized the MGAB into three committees Membership Development Committee (membership functions from old Membership Committee) Geographic Unit Operations Committee (Regional Representatives from old CAB) Awards and Recognition Committee (including DVP and Member Visitor Programs)
Summary of Distinguished Visitor Program (DVP) Speakers are nominated and approved for inclusion in the DVP Chapters invite DVP speakers to address an upcoming chapter meeting The program has a budget to include travel reimbursements for DVP speakers We have speakers from all fields of computer science and engineering We would welcome additional speakers from the Standards arena
Status Report for DVP (as of December 2009) Last fall, we received 12 strong nominations for new DVP Speakers We anticipate 20 or 25 DVP visits this year DVP budget was cut last year, and will probably be cut further in 2010 Money lasts longer when speakers combine several chapter visits into a tour
Geographical Distribution of DVP Speaker Requests (for 2009) Last year, the DVP speaker requests were distributed as follows 23 in North America 5 in Latin America 1 in Asia 0 in Europe 29 speakers total for 2009
Geographical Distribution of DVP Speaker Requests (for 2008) In 2008, for comparison, the DVP speaker requests were distributed as follows 14 in North America 8 in Latin America 2 in Asia 3 in Europe 27 speakers total for 2008
Geographic Distribution of DVP Speakers (for 2010) As of May 2010, here is the geographic distribution of speakers, by region: North America – 20 Latin America (R9) – 10 Asia (R10) – 14 Europe (R8) – 3 We’re trying to recruit additional speakers from Europe – let me know if you can think of any potential candidates
DVP Speaker Requests (for 2010) As of May 2010, here are the speaker requests that we have received, by region: North America – 5 (1 Feb, 1 March, 3 April) Latin America (R9) – 0 Asia (R10) – 3 (1 March, 2 June) Europe (R8) – 1 (May) Total: 9 speaker requests to date
URL for DVP Website Here’s the DVP URL: It contains the following information: Description of the program Guidance for selection of speakers List of DVP coordinators and speakers, by region Link to DVP speaker nomination form Procedure for a chapter to request a DVP speaker