Submission Process Submission Requirements Submission Requirements Those wishing to submit must be a Teachership Academy Graduate. To join the academy please visit and download an application. For more information please feel free to contact any of our TA committee members. Publication cycle Submission cycle – May (during the TA graduations, so a formal announcement can be made) – September 1. Review cycle - September 2 – February 1 (this will give the reviewers time to review papers and return for a chance to re- submit with corrections if needed. Submitters will only be allowed to re-submit one time. Publication cycle – February 2 – April 1 (papers will be returned to TAJSC for final review and a decision will be made which papers make it to final publication. TAJSC feels that in order to control cost and time a cap will be placed on papers submitted and published. We are thinking that 10 papers per journal is a good number. If we receive more submissions, they will be moved for next year’s publication. Edit/Publication Process: Requirements All reports must be typed and double spaced, font will be Times New Roman, font size 12, APA style bibliography. Length minimum 6 pages maximum 15. (Suggestion). Review Process All reports will be peer reviewed by independent reviewers. Reports will be edited by the TA Steering Committee, however it is highly encouraged that authors review and edit their work before submitting. Selection Process All reports will be considered for publication. Independent Reviewers will recommend reports for publication to the TA Steering Committee. Those reports not recommended will be returned to the author for review and corrections. The author may re-submit their report to the TA Steering Committee for publication consideration. The author will have 2 weeks after report is handed back to re-submit. If the report is not recommended a second time, the author will have a chance to re-submit for the next publication and will follow the same submission process. Note: We need to discuss how many reviewers we will have and how the reports will be managed. For example if I submit a report and three reviewers look it over and two recommend for publication, while the other reviewer does not, how will we decide. Also is each report going to be reviewed by two reviewers, three etc. The reviewer’s will recommend to TA Steering Committee whether or not the paper should be published. The pass or fail notion will be as follows: Accept, Accept with Revisions and Decline. TAJSC is still working on the details of this process. Directions for submitting Only graduates of the TA Academy can submit reports for publication. Author submits report to TA Steering Committee TA Steering Committee will do minor edits and ensure report meets requirements. The TA Steering Committee will forward reports to Independent Reviewers. TA Steering Committee holds the right to not recommend and send report back to author for editing. Authors are allowed to re-submit.