Utah Studies 7th Grade December 3, 2013
A Religious Journey
Who Were the Mormons? Where did they come from? Follower’s of Joseph Smith Believed in a new book of scripture Book of Mormon Translated from gold plates found near his home
New York Period Organized a church Apr 6, 1830 Church of Christ Changed Later LDS Called each other Saints Why did people leave their homes and lives for a church? Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith Jr. Born Spring 1820 Fall 1823 Dec 23, 1805 Claimed he saw a vision No true church on the earth Fall 1823 Visited by heavenly beings that instructed him Zion=Live in peace with no poor
The Reaction To Joseph’s Claim Most did not believe him Ridiculed him Made fun Other’s joined and believed Thousands joined from all over the world Flowerers persecuted by others Beat up Joseph Smith Tried to steal the Gold Plates THE OUTCOME Forced to move to Kirtland, Ohio
Another Gathering Place
Western Missouri Summer 1831 A continued gathering Joseph and others left to explore the frontier Started 5 communities A continued gathering Thousands came to Ohio and Missouri Mobs soon drove Mormons out of Ohio
Missouri Executive Order 44 Background Missourians did not like having Mormons in such numbers moving in Battle of Crooked River 3 Missourians Died 1 Mormon The people were outraged about this skirmish
Issue of the Order Gov. Lilburn Boggs claimed that the Mormons had committed "open and avowed defiance of the laws", and had "made war upon the people of this State," Boggs directed that "the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace—their outrages are beyond all description".[2]
Result Mormons driven from the state In the winter time Joseph Smith and other leaders arrested Spent 5 months in a jail in Liberty, MO
The first exodus Brigham Young lead the Mormons to Illinois Settled on the banks of the Mississippi River Commerce, IL Drained the swamps and built a city
Nauvoo, IL Nauvoo Growth of City Old problems Hebrew for “It is beautiful” Growth of City Thousands came to city Largest city in Illinois at one time Old problems People started to feel uncomfortable with so many people
Beginning of the end People within started to cause problems Nauvoo Expositor Joseph ordered it be destroyed Negative Reaction Nearby towns saw this as going against the freedom of Press
The Martyrdom Joseph and others arrested Sent to Carthage to a Jail June 7, 1844 Mob attacked the jail Killed Joseph and brother Hyrum Mormons devastated Now they were martyr’s Died for their religion