Low‐energy precision measurements at the intensity frontier


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Presentation transcript:

Low‐energy precision measurements at the intensity frontier in nuclear  decay PSI-2013 Villigen, Sept. 8-12, 2013 b+ ne Nathal Severijns Kath. Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

 decay correlations to probe new physics nucleus q Overview recent achievements - - correlation - -asymmetry - Ft-values (selected experiments showing diversity in techniques used) scalar/tensor currents and Vud prospects for this field in the LHC era developments / improvements - extend to other observables - reach higher precision

scalar and tensor currents

1. - correlation to probe scalar/tensor weak currents ne nucleus q Fierz term (assuming maximal P-violation and T-invariance for V and A interactions) !!! for pure transitions weak interaction info independent of nuclear matrix elements !!! recoil corr. (induced form factors)  10-3 ; radiative corrections  10-4

Ion/atom traps for - correlation measurements Most precise  correlation measurements Particle traps: ideal sources - sample is isotopically pure - localized in a small volume - atoms decay at rest - detection of recoil ion - negligible source scattering - potential for polarized sample Penning Paul MOT

Overview of - correlation projects N.S. & O. Naviliat-Cuncic, Physica Scripta T152 (2013) 014018

TRINAT MOT trap at TRIUMF-ISAC – 38mK - scalar search for scalar couplings superallowed 0+  0+ pure Fermi transition (t1/2 = 0.95 s) A. Gorelov, J. Behr et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 142501 TOF

6He Trap/Detector Chamber talk by Frederik Wauters 6He MOT Trap setup @ CENPA – Univ. Washington, Seattle P. Mueller, A. Garcia, et al. Argonne Natl. Lab., Univ. Washington, LPC-CAEN, CERN, NSCL, Michigan State Univ. 1083 nm 6He Trap/Detector Chamber RF discharge -> metastable He* Laser cooling @ 1083 nm Timeline: - 6He produced and trapped - first data run in August 2013 --> 1 % measurement - 0.1 % measurement by 2015 talk by Frederik Wauters 6He Trapping Rates @ CENPA: @ source: 5x109 s-1 ; capt. efficiency = 2x10-7; @ trap: 1000 s-1 Trap-to-trap transfer: > 60% efficiency, ~15 ms A. Knecht et al., NIM A 660 (2011) 43, Phys .Rev. C 86 (2012) 035506 & arXiv:1208.6433v2 [nucl-ex]

LPCTrap @ GANIL - 6He / 35Ar - tensor / scalar 2006 (6He): aβν = −0.3335(73)stat(75)syst X. Fléchard et al., J. Phys. G 38 (2011) 055101 Li3+ Li2+ 2010 6He Da/a ~ 0.5 % (analysis in progress) C. Couratin et al. PRL 108 (2012) 243201 Da/a ~ 0.3% (analysis in progress) 35Ar 2011-2012

talk by Paul Finlay WITCH @ ISOLDE - 35Ar - scalar scalar: a = -1 (KU Leuven, Univ. Munster, ISOLDE, NPI Rez-Prague, LPC-Caen) Goal : determine bn correlation for 35Ar with (a/a)stat  0.5 %  measure energy spectrum of recoiling ions with a retardation spectrometer scalar: a = -1 vector: a = +1 talk by Paul Finlay M. Beck et al., Eur. Phys. J. A47 (2011) 45 M. Tandecki et al., NIM A629 (2011) 396 S. Van Gorp et al., NIM A638 (2011) 192 6/27/2018

O. Aviv et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 337, 012020 (2012) 6/27/2018 N. Severijns, CGS14 conference - Aug. 28 - Sept. 02, 2011

-- Correlation in Paul trapped 8Li Ions G. Savard et al. (ANL, Mc. Gill, LLNL, Univ. Chicago, … ) aβν = −0.3307 (60)stat (67)sys G.Li, G.Savard et al., PRL 110 (2013) 082502

2. Limits on scalar currents corrected Ft value of 0+  0 + superallowed pure Fermi transitions : with (Fierz term) = 3071.81(83) s Towner & Hardy, Rep. Prog Phys. 73 (2010) 046301 38mK: Gorelov, Behr et al., PRL 94 (2005) 142501

(K.U.Leuven, NICOLE-ISOLDE, NPI Rez-Prague, Uni Bonn) 3. -asymmetry parameter in nuclear beta decay (K.U.Leuven, NICOLE-ISOLDE, NPI Rez-Prague, Uni Bonn) Geant 4 (P from anisotropy of -rays ) 60CoCu , Bext = 13 T 114InFe , Bhf = 27 T 67CuFe , Bhf = 21 T Analysis: I   IS431-experiment

asymmetry parameter – Leuven / ISOLDE ISOLDE - NICOLE Louvain-la-Neuve - KOOL Leuven Leuven

F. Wauters et al., NIM A 609 (2009) 156 Aexp (60Co) = - 1.014 (12)stat (16)syst (ASM = -0.987(9) ) Aexp (114In) = - 0.990 (10)stat (10)syst (ASM = -0.996(3) ) Aexp (67Cu) = 0.584(6)stat (11)syst (ASM = 0.5993(2) ) region analysed F. Wauters et al., Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010) 055502 F. Wauters et al., Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 062501(R) F. Wauters et al., Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 062501(R) G. Soti et al., to be submitted poster by Gergelj Soti major systematic errors: performance of GEANT code (scattering) determination of nuclear polarization

Constraints on tensor type weak couplings talk by Frederik Wauters a(6He) C. Johnston et al., PR 132 (1963) 1149 A(60Co) F. Wauters, N.S. et al., PR C 82 (2010) 055502 --(8Li) G.Li, G.Savard et al., PRL 110 (2013) 082502 A(67Cu) G. Soti, N.S. et al., (2013) submitted A(67Cu) A(60Co) --(8Li) a(6He) talk by Frederik Wauters

Precision measurements in nuclear/neutron  decay in the LHC era nuclear and neutron decay, pion decay limits on scalar/tensor couplings obtained by CMS collaboration in pp  e + MET + X channel - S. Chatrchyan et al. (CMS Collab.) J. High. Energ. Phys. 1208 (2012) 023; - CERN Rep. nr. CMS-PAS-EXO-12-060 (2013) O. Naviliat-Cuncic and M. Gonzalez-Alonso Annalen der Physik 525 (2013) 72. V. Cirigliano, et al., J. High. Energ. Phys. 1302 (2013) 046

Vud quark mixing matrix element

4.  decay correlations and Ft values of the mirror  transitions - correcting Ft values of mirror  transitions for GT/F mixing ratio  Vud N.S. , I.S. Towner et al., Phys. Rev. C 78(2008) 055501 19Ne, 21Na, 29P, 35Ar and 37K |Vud| = 0.9719(17) O. Naviliat-Cuncic & N.S. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 142302 - GT/F mixing ratio  from correlation coefficients: e.g. and J   A

 decay correlations and Ft values of the mirror  transitions New beta decay correlation measurements with mirror nuclei: Vud for relative precision of 0.5% on a or A : a(35Ar)  Vud = 0.0019 (data from GANIL-LIRAT being analysed) a(19Ne)  Vud = 0.0011 (run in Nov 2013 at GANIL-LIRAT) beta asymmetry A(35Ar) is most sensitive to Vud : A(35Ar)  Vud = 0.0007 with present Ft value A(35Ar)  Vud = 0.0004 if Ft value is improved by factor 5 (requires QEC, T1/2 and BR) Note: Vud (0+  0+) = 0.00022 only factor of 2 !! N.Severijns & O. Naviliat-Cuncic, Physica Scripta T152 (2013) 014018

 decay correlations and Ft values of the mirror  transitions - ongoing project at GANIL for - correlation - A(mirror) at NSCL/BECOLA and at ISOLDE/COLLAPS-VITO (Leuven, MSU, … ) - collinear laser optical pumping - 35Ar, … - A(35Ar) with MOT (Leuven, ULiège, … ) - measurements of : QEC, t1/2 and BR for mirror transitions ongoing / planned at several facilities ISOLDE, JYFL, GANIL, TRIUMF, …

induced / recoil terms weak magnetism

include induced / recoil terms due to strong interaction; decaying quark is not free but bound in a nucleon - effects of few per mille typically - dominant = ‘weak magnetism’ theoretical study: induced terms for mirror decays and T = 1 triplet decays, up to A = 45: ( V. De Leebeeck, I.S. Towner, N.S., to be published ) experimental study: new spectrometer for  spectrum shape measurements (MWDC + E-detectors) Leuven-Krakow collaboration

induced / recoil terms mirror  transitions x  decays of triplet states avg = 5.6(30) V. De Leebeeck, I.S. Towner, N.S., et al., to be published

induced / recoil terms mirror  transitions avg = 0.97(10) --------------------------------------- mirror 1.20(49) (A = 3-45) triplet 1.01(15) (A = 6-30) V. De Leebeeck, I.S. Towner, N.S., et al., to be published

 spectrum shape measurements with the miniBETA spectrometer Univ. Krakow – Univ. Leuven 1. low -endpoint energies ( 45Ca, 60Co, 67Cu … ) :  scalar / tensor type weak interactions 2. high -endpoint energies (68Cu, 114In, … ) : weak magnetism 3. improve current knowledge on electron scattering  improve precision of Geant4 multi-wire drift chamber scintillator

commissioning ongoing at Krakow miniBETA spectrometer poster by Gergelj Soti commissioning ongoing at Krakow

Summary - - correlation and  asymmetry measurements + Ft-values  improved limits on scalar and tensor charged weak currents; - correlation measurements and Ft-values of mirror  transitions  contribute to further improving precision of Vud mixing matrix element; - searches for new physics at low energies remain competitive with direct searches at LHC when concentrating on Fierz term and Vud - need to include induced (recoil) terms in interpretation of experiments  efforts to extend our understanding of these ongoing - many experiments ongoing or planned / in preparation