Welcome Work Experience Information Evening Mr Hampton
What do we hope to achieve?
What do we hope to achieve? Every student finds their own work experience placement. One week, 10th to 14th September 2018.
Do you remember work experience?
What can your child get out of this? The sky is the limit. Practice for a real job Understanding a work place Reference Offer of further voluntary or paid employment Way in to contact with other employers Apprenticeship? Bursary for further study
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students?
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students? Communication and interview skills
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students? Communication and interview skills Skills assessments
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students? Communication and interview skills Skills assessments Health and Safety
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students? Communication and interview skills Skills assessments Health and Safety Letter and CV writing
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students? Communication and interview skills Skills assessments Health and Safety Letter and CV writing Making a phone call
What do we hope to achieve? And how can we help the students? Communication and interview skills Skills assessments Health and Safety Letter and CV writing Making a phone call Careers research
What do we hope to achieve? What do we want you to do?
What do we hope to achieve? What do we want you to do? Reinforce the message that work experience is really important
What do we hope to achieve? What do we want you to do? Reinforce the message that work experience is really important Encourage your child to apply to a number of employers
What do we hope to achieve? What do we want you to do? Reinforce the message that work experience is really important Encourage your child to apply to a number of employers Return the forms on time!
What do we do? We work with schools in Croydon, Sutton and Merton We support the work experience programme We organise pre-placement visits to host employers to; check insurance arrangements offer advice and guidance to employers on risk assessment and young people’s welfare support employers with making up a ‘job description’
The benefits of work experience 2016 -17 Yr11’s feedback; most students enjoyed their placement! most said that their placement had given them an idea of their career progression post 16 some students were offered more work experience or part-time work
The “employability” skills you use Time management Communication Numeracy Problem solving Name the different employability skills Business and customer awareness Teamwork IT
What do employers want? Young people with; a ‘can-do’ attitude strong “employability’ skills a willingness to learn
Any job where it is not legal for someone under 18 to work. Types of work or jobs not permitted Selling alcohol or tobacco Selling or canvassing door to door Telephone sales Selling on the street Mobile type jobs e.g. food van Any job involving gambling, betting shops or amusement arcades. Work at fairgrounds, factories Milk rounds Modelling Work on water – boats/ships Tattoo parlour Working at height or underground. Any job where it is not legal for someone under 18 to work. This list is not exhaustive and each placement is assessed on an individual basis
Insurance Employers offering work experience must have Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance cover We will contact every employer to check insurance is in date and confirm the details of your placement
Examples of placements Home Office – Croydon Waitrose – Coulsdon Daimond Riding Centre – Carshalton Travis Perkins – London LBS Central Library – Sutton Office of Paul Scully MP – Sutton WH Smith - Sutton Croydon Court Hotel – Croydon Goddard Veterinary Group – Ewell Victor Seymour Infants – Carshalton Barclays – London Age UK – Purley Cats’ Protection Centre - Mitcham
Applying for a placement think about which type and sector of work talk to your “ network”, teachers, family and friends create or update your CV research the organisation contact the organisation or employer apply via email or letter, use formal not in ‘text speak’ Employers like to know you are interested in their business – do a bit of research (helps with application).
Work experience dates: 10th – 14th September 2018 This is 50 weeks away, but you need to start NOW!!
Cut off date 23rd February 2018 Don’t leave it to the last minute as: placements will get harder to find the longer you leave it other schools in the surrounding boroughs are going out at the same time we need time to organise visits to host employers before the placement takes place you will be preparing and studying for exams after April
Good luck! Make the most of this experience Ask lots of questions about the workplace Find out about career paths of employees Look after yourself and speak to the school if you are unsure of anything Email Mr Hampton with any questions/problems: lhampton@stmarksacademy.org.uk