Chronicle of a Death Foretold Thursday, November 19, 2015
Plot Diagram for Chapter 5 Read chapter 5. Continue the falling action and resolution. Make sure you have these notes before the quiz after break.
Character Development Add details to your character list. Pedro & Pablo Vicario Angela Vicario Bayardo San Roman Placidia Linero Colonel Aponte Cristo Bedoya
Author’s Style Magical Realism: is a fiction genre in which magical elements blend to create a realistic atmosphere that accesses a deeper understanding of reality. The story explains these magical elements as normal occurrences, presented in a straightforward manner that places the “real” and the “fantastic” in the same stream of thought. (Things that should be considered odd in the real world are normal in the story’s world.) Ex: Bayardo returning without opening a single letter Ex: everyone knowing Santiago’s fate except him Ex: grand description of local brothel Ex: Santiago dreams of soft rain, which comes true when he dies Chronicle: a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.
Critical Lenses Historical/Biographical: Garcia Marquez’s book is a criticism of the historical/cultural time period in which honor outweighed any other quality, despite moral teachings. Garcia Marquez and his family knew a young woman in their town who lived the story of Angela Vicario, except that people believed who her lover was. Feminist: While some women in the story have power (the maternal figures), women’s honor must be kept, but a man’s honor is unimportant. Marxist: Many people speculated that Angela may have chosen Santiago’s name because she thought her brothers would never kill someone so rich. Some of the people didn’t care if he died because they envied his wealth. Psychoanalytic: The need for honor motivates the characters, and no one thinks this is out of the ordinary. Archetypal: We see the archetypal plot of scapegoating, the archetypal symbols of trees and birds, and the archetypal characters of the innocent, the mother, etc.
Coming Weeks Friday, November 20: computer lab to finish research and begin project Monday, November 30: quiz over Chronicle of a Death Foretold sample 10-12 minute presentation from Miss Garlock sign up for presentation slots Tuesday, December 1-Monday, December 7: computer lab time to create project WEEKEND – December 5-6: practice presentation Tuesday, December 8: begin presentations
Independent Novel Continue working on your choice novel. As you read, make note of the following: Key plot developments Major character developments Theme Examples of the author’s writing style Examples of the 2 of the 4 critical lenses plus the historical/biographical lens Important quotations You will need 3-4 in your presentation.