Establishing the Republic HUM 2051: Civilization I Fall 2010 Dr. Perdigao October 8-13, 2010
Transference Shared cultures—Roman names to Greek gods—but, more significantly, cross-cultural contact Zeus Jupiter: father Hera Juno: queen Athena Minerva: wisdom Aphrodite Venus: love Hades Pluto: underworld Hermes Mercury: trade; messenger Poseidon Neptune sea Ares Mars: war Hephaestus Vulcan: fire; blacksmith
Key Virtues Patria potestas (“father’s power”) in Roman family Virtue (virtus); dignity (dignitas); fame (fama), competition for political power and privilege (Perry 120) Piety toward gods and family, friends, and state Mos maiorum (the way of the elders) Virtus (virtue): courage, strength, loyalty—but also moral purity Faithfulness (fides)
Changing of the Guard Foundation of the Republic to counter mythological beginnings (509 BCE), begins with overthrow of Etruscan monarchy by landowning aristocrats (patricians); Empire in 27 BCE with Octavian (Augustus) as first Roman emperor after 500 years of republican self-government (Perry 118) Inheritances from Etruscans—road construction, sanitation, hydraulic engineering (Perry 118) Rome—republic at end of sixth century BCE (509 BCE) with landowning aristocrats (patricians) overthrowing Etruscan king Struggle of the Orders—conflict between patricians and commoners (plebeians); government—consuls, Centuriate Assembly, popular assembly controlled by nobility, and Senate; plebeians won right to own assembly, the Plebeian Assembly and later Tribal Assembly (119-120)
Foundations Twelve Tables as first Roman code of laws in 450 BCE (Perry 120) 287 BCE Tribal Assembly gives full civil equality and legal protection to plebeians although upper class remains in power (Perry 120); class struggle remains for two hundred years 146 BCE—Rome as dominant state in Mediterranean world: uniting Italian peninsula; war with Carthage where Rome emerges as ruler of western Mediterranean; subjugation of Hellenistic states, contact with Greek civilizations (Perry 122)
Evolution of Forms Carthage—North African city founded by Phoenicians in 800 BCE, commercial center (Perry 123) Wars with Carthage—264-121 BCE—Punic Wars (First Punic War 264-241 BCE, Carthage surrenders Sicily to Rome, Rome later seizes Corsica and Sardinia; Second Punic War 218-201 BCE) Hannibal (247-183 BCE) leading Carthaginian army; after Hannibal’s win at Cannae, Rome’s “worst days”; Hannibal eventually defeated by Scipio Africanas in 202 BCE in battle of Zama to end Second Punic War (Perry 123-124) Second Punic War—Rome as greatest power in western Mediterranean; Philip V of Macedonia joins Hannibal—Rome starts First Macedonian War, wins in 205 BCE (Perry 124) Roman imperialism—Third Punic War in 146 BCE to annihilate Carthage (Perry 125)
Developments Hellenization—adoption of Greek culture (Perry 125) with Greeks coming to Rome Contact with Greek culture—Formation of Roman culture—science, philosophy, medicine, geography, history, poetry, drama, oratory (Perry 128) Plautus’ plays—modeled on Greeks’, with Greek characters, settings, style of dress; Catullus as lyric poet; Lucretius, Roman Epicurean philosopher; Cicero, orator Marius as consul in 107 BCE (Perry 134), Sulla in control in struggle with Mithridates, but Marius’ supporters return command to Marius; after Marius’ death, Sulla becomes dictator First Triumvirate in 60 BCE, Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar, Caesar crossing the Rubicon, civil war in Republic, dictator for ten years
The Next Chapter Temporary dictatorship made lifelong office 44 BCE—March 15—aristocrats assassinate Caesar, including general and orator Brutus (Perry 136) Mark Antony and Lepidus join Octavian to defeat Brutus and Cassius; Antony and Octavian fight for control of Rome, Octavian defeats Antony and Cleopatra to emerge master of Rome and then first Roman emperor (Perry 137) Move from republican institutions to dictatorship (Perry 136); expansion and disintegration Next era—Octavian—move to peace as Augustus (backdrop for Virgil’s text)