Study skills session 3 Consolidating what you have learnt in sessions 1 and 2 and applying it to an exam question.
Make your EASTER REVISION more effective! What did you discover during the first two study skills sessions? How will you apply what you have learnt to answering exam questions in the following subjects? Psychology/History/Sociology/Government & Politics/English/ Anthropology On your own, read the TCS Revision Guide With your partner discuss the following: Which revision techniques do you use at the moment? What grades have you achieved using these methods? Which other revision techniques from the booklet have you tried? WWW / EBI? Which revision techniques in the booklet might suit your way of learning best? Make your EASTER REVISION more effective! Commit to try out at least 2 new revision techniques over the next 4 weeks:
Cold War Causes 1: ______ Causes 2: ______ Causes 3: ______ Causes of the C.W Cold War Make a mind map on the topic you will write your essay on later in the session Key Personalities and their role in the C.W Person 3 ______, role __________________ Person 2 ______, role __________________ Person 1 ______, role __________________
Plan your Revision – Make your Easter Holidays count! You MUST manage your remaining time before the exam effectively Plan in time to complete practice papers at home over the next 4 week (and self mark) Use the VLE: past papers, mark schemes, examiner reports (model student answers are contained in them) Ask the students how their week went: Did they complete their plan for this week? Did they use it? How did it go? Plan next week – Week 2 of your 4 week Easter Planner – Revision Sessions at school H/W - PLAN your time over the next 4 weeks on the planning grids
1) Mr Teckman’s Essay Planning Techniques Select an exam / essay question. Attempt to answer it within the given time frame. Use the skills you have acquired during the last two study skills sessions and apply them when answering your question. 1) Mr Teckman’s Essay Planning Techniques Planning docs available at the front of the room Things to consider: reading instructions carefully identifying key words the structuring your answer, your use of grammar, punctuation subject specific vocabulary supporting your answer with evidence from others your use of time Assessment Objectives – what are the marks awarded for?
Reality Check Time It’s the night before the exam…Xavier wanted to be on his A game tomorrow for the exam: What he should do to make sure he IS on his A Game?
Sleep like a _____ ? What’s the key message?
What’s the key message?
What’s the key message?
Right before the exam…? What’s the key message? Right after the exam…?