Animal Farm Test Review
A Review of Major Characters Part One: Who’s Who? A Review of Major Characters
Old Major Snowball Lenin/Marx Plants idea of rebellion Wants equality for all animals…dies Snowball Leon Trotsky Organizes animals; tries to educate them Develops ideas to help farm--windmill Becomes Napoleon’s scapegoat
Old Major telling the animals about his dream for freedom and equality Old Major telling the animals about his dream for freedom and equality. His speech eventually leads to the Animal Rebellion. Snowball explaining the Seven Commandments, rules to which all animals must abide. Eventually, only one commandment exists: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
Napoleon Squealer Joseph Stalin Becomes a tyrant on the farm; rules by fear Treats animals dismally Breaks and then changes all commandments Squealer “Pravda” Stalin’s propaganda circular Napoleon’s propaganda agent--lies to the animals for Napoleon
Napoleon on the “meeting” platform issuing orders to the animals; note the display of Old Major’s skull at front of platform (look familiar?) Napoleon and Mr. Frederick drinking and playing cards at the end of the novel.
Molly Boxer Bourgeoisie (rich) Returns to humans; can’t live without ribbons and sugar (her material possessions) Boxer Proletariat (working class) Contributes most to work on farm, particularly building windmill Mercilessly slaughtered by Napoleon
Boxer exerting himself in the fields.
Benjamin Moses Political dissenter Never happy, no matter what changes occur Refuses to read until horse salughterer comes to take Boxer away Moses Russian Orthodox Church Tells story of Sugar Candy Mountain (heaven)
Moses at first is hated by both pigs and animals because he only told stories and didn’t work. Later, he is tolerated by the pigs because he gives the animals hope, thus keeping them working.
Hens Muriel Rebel when Napoleon orders they give up 400 eggs a week Leaders are later slaughtered by Napoleon Muriel Can read Assists the animals a few times in reading the commandments
Mr. Jones Czar Nicholas II, ruler of Imperial Russia (prior to Russian Revolution) Starves animals and forces animal rebellion Loses control of Manor Farm Attempt to retake farm fails Eventually dies in a home for inebriates (alcoholics)
Animal Farm Wars & Their Historical Counterparts Part Two: Big Battles Animal Farm Wars & Their Historical Counterparts
Animal Rebellion = Russian Revolution, 1917 animals chase Mr. Jones off farm = Russian people overthrow Czarist regime Battle of the Cowshed = Anti-Revolutionary Invasion Mr. Jones attacks farm = Czarist attempt to regain control of government Snowball chased off farm by Napoleon = Stalin’s exile of Trotsky
Battle of the Windmill = Battle of Stalingrad Frederick attacks farm = German invasion of Russia, WWII Villains Frederick = Hitler Pinchfield Farm = Germany Pilkington = Churchill Foxwood Farm = England Napoleon’s Dogs = Stalin’s Secret Military Police
Battle of the Cowshed Battle of the Windmill picture of men being “hit” by pigeons animals very successful because of Snowball’s organized battle plan Battle of the Windmill picture of animals attacking animals win, but suffer many casualties as they were not prepared under Napoleon’s rule
Political & Economic Philosophies Explained! Socialism: You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor. Communism: You have two cows. The government takes them both and provides you with milk. Facism: You have two cows. The government takes them both and sells you the milk. Democracy: You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point that you must sell them both in order to pay the taxes to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow which was a gift from your government.
Political & Economic Philosophies Explained! Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Bureaucracy: You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours it down the drain. Corporate: You have two cows. You sell one, force the other to produce the milk of four cows, and then act surprised when it drops dead.
Test Format Matching - Allegorical References - 17pts. True / False - Story Details - 15pts. Multiple Choice - 53pts. Story Details Political Terms Orwell’s Philosophy Short Answer - Use of Propaganda - 5pts. Essay - 2 from a list of 5 - 10pts.