What do these have in common? Neon neopets Neonate Neo What does “neo” mean?
Dawkins: Neo-Darwinism “neo” means “new” in latin Richard Dawkins is modern biologist, who has developed a new version of Darwin’s theory. Watch the video – what does he say about “genes”? For Dawkins, living creatures are no more than “survival machines’ for the genes they carry. For Dawkins, genes are “immortal”. The information they carry is passed on, outliving each individual. Explain what Dawkins thinks about who living creatures are. How is this different from Darwin? **Do you agree with him – are we just “survival machines” for genes? From 33:40 mins
Richard Dawkins: Neo-Darwinism What do you think about his ideas? Should we think of ourselves as “gene machines”? If evolution happens naturally, does that mean it has nothing to do with God?
Dawkins Fact-Sheet Personal information: Famous books: Main idea: Using the handout, make a fact sheet about Richard Dawkins, under the following headings. Include only key info. Personal information: Famous books: Main idea: Connection to Charles Darwin: Beliefs about God:
Richard Dawkins What did you learn about… Who he is What he thinks What he believes about God?
Videos on Dawkins http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1bt93p_the-genius-of-charles-darwin-episode-2-the-fifth-ape_shortfilms at 33:40mins
Explain 2 things Dawkins believes about evolution/ God We are here by accident – by biological, natural selection. God didn’t plan us. We are just one of the many products of evolution. We are only “survival machines” for genes.
Christian Responses to Dawkins Are we just carriers for “selfish genes”? Are we just products of the natural, biological process of evolution?
Is there anything that makes you more than just a gene carrier Is there anything that makes you more than just a gene carrier? How certain are you, that such things really matter? Mindmap the things you think matter more – and why.
Christian Responses to Dawkins Read the 4 responses to Dawkins. Order them, from best reply at the top Discuss with your partner, if the replies convince you that Dawkins is wrong. How could a Christian disagree with Dawkins’ view that we are just gene-carriers, and accidental result of evolution? Use the notes on the 4 replies to Dawkins. Then conclude about who you agree with and why – Dawkins or the Christian view - with 2 reasons.
Christian Responses to Dawkins B How come there are such things as self-replicating genes? The odds of a gene spontaneously beginning to exist by chance, from atoms and molecules, is the same the odds of a tornado blowing through a scrapyard assembling a Boeing 747. Christian Responses to Dawkins A Evolution is not random to God. We do not know how God acts in creation, but things do not happen “accidentally” or “only naturally” to God. St. Aquinas said: “Divine Providence does not exclude fortune and chance”. It may look to us, as if we are just accidents of the natural process of evolution. But to God, we are planned. C How can genes “want” to survive? Dawkins says genes “want” to replicate and survive. But why should they? How can mindless matter, mere chemicals and atoms, end up “wanting” to reproduce and survive? Dawkins taken this for granted, or evolution would not work. But he has not explained it. D How can scientists know if souls exist? Dawkins says souls do not exist. But science can only discover physical things. Spiritual things could never be proved to exist by science, even if they do.
Role Play: “Are you an ape?” Role play a debate with Richard Dawkins about who human beings are.
Write a letter to Dawkins, responding to his view that we are only “gene machines”. Briefly summarise his view explain your agreement or disagreement with him, with 2 reasons Explain with 2 reasons why you disagree with the opposite view conclude
Revision Sheet Who was Darwin? Define evolution Explain how it works, give an example of it What does the Church believe about it? Who is Dawkins? What does he think? How do Christians respond?