Redesigning the Math Pathway recognizes the importance of getting students to pass credit-bearing courses Redesigning the Math Pathway What’s exciting.


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Presentation transcript:

University of Wisconsin & NASH TS3: Redesigning the Math Pathway Madison January 18 2017

Redesigning the Math Pathway recognizes the importance of getting students to pass credit-bearing courses Redesigning the Math Pathway What’s exciting Innovative approaches to math entry-level Growing consensus that not every college student needs algebra Need to redesign the pathway to STEM majors as well What are the challenges? Faculty buy-in is particularly critical Math pathways at 2-yr institutions need to transfer to 4-yrs Aims statements were developed for each of the interventions after considering opportunities, challenges and evidence AIM: “Our aim is to, within a certain number of years, to appropriately increase the number of students who complete their credit-bearing gateway math course, differentiated by career aspirations, in their first 30 credits.”

The Co-requisite Model in the Tennessee Board of Regents Universities and Community Colleges Dr. Randy Schulte Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Tennessee Board of Regents

Prerequisite Remediation Q: What % of community college students with under 19 ACT passed a credit-bearing college level Math class in their first year of college? WORD PROBLEM 2012-13

Prerequisite Remediation WORD PROBLEM 2012-13

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Pilots

Co-requisite Remediation PILOT 2014-15 Mathematics 9 Community Colleges 1019 students

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Pilots

Co-requisite Remediation Full System Implementation Fall 2015

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Model 9479 Students 7422 Students

Remediation at Roane State Community College Prior to Fall 2015 Emporium Model Self-paced, based on MyMathLab 5 Modules with options to complete in one or two semesters Markus

Prerequisite Remediation Pipeline Students with ACT< 19 Prerequisite Remediation Pipeline Leaky N=805 MATH 0891 MATH 1530 Complete 29% Pass 14% Markus MATH 0892 MATH 1530 Incomplete 25 % Pass 18% Pass 6% Withdraw/Fail Don’t return Withdraw/Fail Withdraw/Fail Don’t return Withdraw/Fail Success! 375/805 46% 63/805 7.8% 55/805 6.8% 51/806 6.1% 62/805 7.7% 46/805 4.5% 20% Course Repetitions 2.2%

Roane State Community College Co-Requisite Remediation Pipeline Students with ACT< 19 Students with ACT  19 N = 564 N = 468 Markus MATH 1530 MATH 1530 & MATH 0530 Success! Success! 58% 65% Withdraw/Fail 42 % Withdraw/Fail 35 %

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score University “MATH1000” Model vs. Co-requisite Model 3335 Students 2803 Students

Co-requisite Remediation Disaggregation

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Model

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Model

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Model

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score University Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Model

Strategies for System-wide Implementation MATHEMATICS COREQUISITE MODEL Strategies for System-wide Implementation

REALIGNMENT OF MATHEMATICS PATHWAYS Now affirmed by the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences

System-wide Collaboration Mathematics Academic Leaders and Discipline-specific Faculty Tennessee Transfer Pathways curricula development and revision Markus

Gateway Math Class Distribution

Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Disaggregated by Mathematics Course

Data Analytics, Collaboration, Planning MATHEMATICS Corequisite Academies Data Analytics, Collaboration, Planning

System-wide One-day Meetings 3-Person Teams of Mathematics Academic Leaders and Faculty Review of results system-wide Presentations by high-performing campus teams Markus

System-wide One-day Meetings Inter-institutional group work on key going to scale and continuous improvement factors Pedagogy Scheduling Staffing Technology Outreach Support Markus

System-wide One-day Meetings Planning Template for each institutional team Institution-specific data Due date for completed templates Markus

Related Data Points

Average Community College Instructional Cost per Successful Student in Mathematics Pre-requisite Model Co-requisite Model Is Corequisite Remediation Cost-Effective? Early Findings From Tennessee Belfield, Davis & Lahr, Community College Research Center, Columbia University

University students who passed a Math class in their 1st Year 8% Pre-requisite Model Co-requisite Model Pre-requisite Model Co-requisite Model

Community College students who passed a Math class in their 1st Year 33% 18% Pre-requisite Model Co-requisite Model Pre-requisite Model Co-requisite Model


For More Information: Dr. Tristan Denley Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Tennessee Board of Regents Twitter: @TDenley