NASA ACE-RadEx Olympex Collaboration Jay Mace Roger Marchand, Tristan L’Ecuyer, Matt Lebsock, Derek Posselt, Joe Munchak, Simone Tanelli, Gerry Heymsfield, Joe Turk, Zhuocan Xu, Adrian Loftus, Tim Lang
A Step Towards a Solution: Integrated multi-platform observing systems – The A-Train NASA A-Train ACE was conceived by the 2007 Decadal Survey as the follow-on to the A-Train..
ACE Algorithm Development Activities Goal: Explore the trade space defined by science objectives, technology, and instrument suite complexity – achieve baseline science goals for minimum cost. Presently, ACE-like data sets or retrieval algorithms don’t exist. It is therefore difficult to demonstrate capability or explore trade space. The RADar Definition Experiment (RADEX) was conceived to develop super-ACE remote sensing data sets supported by in situ validation. 1) Demonstrate the capability of super synergy for simultaneously characterizing cloud and precipitation microphysical processes. 2) Characterize the instruments needed to achieve basic science goals. GPM validation activities presented a significant opportunity to leverage assets IPHEX in Spring 2014. Target warm shallow marine clouds. Olympex, Contributed ER2 with super ACE package (CRS, HiWrap – triple freq Doppler radars, AMPR, HSRL, eMAS, Polarimeter).
superpod, (unpressurized aft) ER-2 Payload for RADEX - OLYMPEX eMAS VIS-IR imager (not hyperspectral) EXRAD (X-band radar) AirMSPI (VIS-SWIR multiangle imaginging polarimeter) nose superpod Q-bay superpod, (unpressurized aft) CPL Lidar Backscatter AMPR Passive Microwave ~ 10-85 GHz Assumptions: Move of CRS from right superpod to left superpod and consolidate a few boxes. HIWRAP Ka/Ku- band radar CRS W-band radar GMI
Summary of ER-2 flights : Most Coordinated with DC-8 (additional Microwave and Scanning Radar) and/or Citation (in situ cloud microphysics). DC8 coordination when attempted was very tight with nearly continuous simultaneous sampling Working with the GPM GV team/UW team was a very positive experience. Target Assessment Overall very positive on the breadth of the sampling heavy sampling of warm conveyor belt (ice phase processes) Limited prefrontal conditions were sampled. Only a few examples of embedded frontal convection Post frontal convection was sampled well on 4 flights but particularly well on two flights. … next few slides highlight a few cases/datasets
Highlights: 11/23 Advancing Frontal Rain bands ER2 and DC8 conducted a coordinated flight in an advancing frontal band offshore of the Olympic Peninsula. SW-NE oriented race tracks that were entirely offshore were conducted initially followed by a NW-SE oriented racetrack that had NPOL on SE end. Citation conducted two flights. Early flight was conducted under the NE end of the early race tracks. Second flight was near the SE end of the later racetrack. DC8 and ER2 Racetracks Advancing Frontal Rainbands Citation Spiral
Highlights: 12/04 Cold Air Cumulus
Highlights: 12/04 Cold Air Cumulus
Ongoing RADEX Research: L’Ecuyer: analyzing the HIWRAP + CRS data from both RADEX deployments with an eye toward defining sensitivity, vertical, and spatial resolution requirements Lebsock/Leinonen/Storer: Exploring 3-frequency snowfall retrievals and footprint deconvolution techniques Munchak: Multi instrument, multi-platform inverse and forward modeling during OLYMPEX/RADEX Posselt/Mace/Xu: Applying Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques to retrieval algorithm development to explore instrument/science trade space in ACE-like data sets Marchand: Using high resolution Polarimeter and imager data to define potential for next generation cloud and aerosol interaction studies.