4.1 Handling of Nominations to be submitted in 2013 for examination by the Committee at its 38th session in June 2014
Due date for nominations: 1 February 2013, 6pm (Paris time)
4.1 Nominations Process: 1 February 2013, 6,00pm: List of nominations received 2 February 28 February 2013: Inventory & Completeness Check 1 March 2013: Answers to States Parties Mid March 2013: Transfer of Complete Nominations to the Advisory Bodies May 2013: Advisory Bodies contact States Parties July November 2013: Advisory Bodies visit the site
4.1 Nominations Process: Early December 2013: 1st Panel of the Advisory Bodies Mid December 2013: Letters to the States Parties asking for additional information 28 February 2014: Deadline for States Parties to submit the requested additional information March 2014: 2nd Panel of the Advisory Bodies and formulation of their recommendations 6 weeks prior to the annual W.H. Committee session (May 2014): WHC dispatches the working document and the Advisory Bodies’ evaluations
4.1 Nominations Process: June/July 2014: Annual Session of the World Heritage Committee. The Committee examines the nominations and takes its decisions.
especially par.132 and Annex 5 4.1 Nominations Completeness check: The Secretariat, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, check the compliance of nominations with the requirements set up in the Operational Guidelines, especially par.132 and Annex 5
Draft nominations submissions: States Parties may submit draft nominations to the Secretariat for comment and review by 30 September of each year.
4.3 Handling of Nominations that were submitted in 2012 for examination by the Committee at is 37th session in June 2013 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Due date for referred nominations: 1 February 2013, 6pm (Paris time)
Between now and 36 COM 4.3 Nominations 28 February 2013: Deadline for States Parties to submit the requested additional information March 2013: 2nd Panel of the Advisory Bodies and formulation of their recommendations 6 weeks prior to the annual W.H. Committee session (3 May 2013): WHC dispatch the working document and the Advisory Bodies’ evaluations PDF versions of the nominations to be examined online at
Due date for submitting factual errors letters 4.3 Nominations Due date for submitting factual errors letters 3 June 2013, 6pm (Paris time) Letters from the concerned State(s) Party(ies) detailing the factual errors they might have identified in the evaluation of their nomination made by the Advisory Bodies
Factual errors letters 4.3 Nominations Factual errors letters In accordance with Paragraph 150 of the Operational Guidelines ……..,the State Party of XXXX would like to convey to the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee the following factual error(s) which was/were revealed during the evaluation of the proposed nomination XXXX by the Advisory Bodies: Page 37 (French version) Section 2. RÉSUMÉ DES CARACTÉRISTIQUES NATURELLES Colonne de droite, paragraphe 1, ligne 10 « ont évolué il y a 315 millions d’années » ET NON « ont évolué il y a 340 millions d’années »
During the examination of nominations 22.7 Representatives of a State Party, whether or not a member of the Committee, shall not speak to advocate the inclusion in the World Heritage List of a property nominated, the state of conservation of a property on their territory or the approval of an assistance request submitted by that State, but only to deal with a point of information in answer to a question. (Rules of Procedure)
4.5 Questions and Answers