CDM-Morocco CD CDM - MOROCCO JERBA CDM Investor FORUM : The KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment CD CDM - MOROCCO JERBA CDM Investor FORUM : Moroccan participation Fourth Regional WS Tunis, 27-29 August 2004 CD CDM Project Ali Agoumi ; National Coordinator CDM-Morocco
I- List of participants Surname & First Name organization Profile Remarks 1. Taha Balafrej Ministry of land use Management,water and Evironnement , (MATEE);DNA Director of partenership,communication and cooperation DNA 2. Samira El khamlichi Climate Change Unit responsible; CDM PS CDM NC PS 3.Rachid Ech Chokri Climate Change Unit member; CDM PS 4. Ali AGOUMI CD CDM Project, National Coordinator UNDP-UNEP CD CDM Project 5,M’hammed ELMERINI SCET Maroc Consultants/ 3 SS projects CDM SS Projects 6,Faouzi Senhaji Gerere 7. Mohamed BELHAJ SOULAMI Clean Tech Consultant/ 3 Projects with Ecosecurities CDM pilote Project 8. Leila BENJELLOUN Rabat wilaya Promoter Landfill Project 9. Amina ALAMI Offine National de l’Eau Potable Wind farm for the Tan Tan desalination plant 10. A representative Office National de l’Électricité Essaouira Wind Park project and Photovoltaic kits project 11. A representative Office Chérifien des Phosphates Heat recovery enhancement for power generation project CDM-Morocco
II- Presentations - 1 - CDM-Morocco DAY 1 : 11:30 to 12:30 : Samira EL KHAMLICHI : The CDM Framework in the country (Institutional, Regulatory, Financial, existing capacities, etc.) Ali AGOUMI : The GHG Mitigation Potential The CDM Project Portfolio Mohamed BELHAJ SOULAMI , M’Hammed EL MERINI and Faouzi Senhaji : Presentation of 2 Full-size PDDs and of 2 Small-Scale PDDs DAY 1 CDM-Morocco
II- Presentations - 2 - CDM-Morocco - DAY 3 : 09:30 to 12:00 : Consultants +Promoter -3 groups: RE-Waste-and EE Presentation of Project N°1 : Essaouira Wind Park ; (RE) Presentation of Project N°2 : Heat recovery enhancement for power generation at the Maroc Phosphore’s phosphoric acid and fertilizer production plant of Jorf Lasfar, Morocco ;(EE) Presentation of Project N°3 : Rehabilitation of the landfill in Akreuch as a landfill gas to energy project ;(W) Presentation of Project N°4 : 105,000 Photovoltaic kits for rural electrification ; (EE) Presentation of Project N°5 : 10 MW Wind farm for the Tan Tan desalination plant ;(RE) Presentation of Project N°6 : 1.3 MW wastewater-derived power generation unit (Marrakesh).(W) - CDM-Morocco
II- Presentations - 2 - CDM-Morocco - DAY 3 : 09:30 to 12:00 : Consultants +Promoter Presentation of Project N°7 : Public lighting with low consumption bulbs(LCB) and power modulators (15,000 bulbs program) (EE) Presentation of Project N°8 : 140 MW wind farm (Tangiers)(RE) Presentation of Project N°9 : 18 MW hydro-electric dam project(Tanafnit - El Borj)(RE) Presentation of Project N°10 : Abdelkhalek TORRES wind farm (RE) Presentation of Project N°11 : 1.3 MW wastewater-derived power generation unit (W) (Marrakesh) Presentation of Project N°12 : 10 MW wind farm (Tétouan) (RE) - CDM-Morocco
III- Exhibition CDM-Morocco - Responsible : Rachid Ech Chokri Responsible : Rachid Ech Chokri Posters , DNA, GHG Inventory,CDM approach , CDM evaluation procedure Brochures : DNA, CDM general , CDM for economic Operators CDM Morocco portfolio CDM SOP CD CDM project The NIPs of the 3 Project approved by the DNA on 2003 The NIPs of the 9 Project adopted ( for the first evaluation ) by the DNA on 2004 CDM-Morocco
THANKs, Climate Change Unit;