Level 2 Educational Pathway Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey Sixth Form
Why did we develop this initiative? Sixth Form is not funded for Level 2 courses Level 2 Courses are not highlighted on Sixth Form league tables However, morally it was the right thing to do A small group of vulnerable students are now more confident They have a purpose, structure and pathway
Rationale It was our Sixth Form’s initiative to create an educational pathway for a small group of students who had not met with Level 2 criterion in mainstream school. These were students who were unable gain a Level 3 pathway programme but needed that additional ‘arm around their shoulder’ to become ‘work ready’.
Rationale We decided that our programme should be as work focused as possible but also allowed the students to gain additional qualifications which may help them both employability-wise and socially. It was decided that the topic content would be based on future employability routes A one year Pathway offered
Offer made September 2016 Pilot Year Level 2 offer: to include Full-time offer No other choices to be made ECDL Employability – Asdan Resit GCSE Maths Resit GCSE English Language Functional Skills/Literacy Functional Skills/Numeracy Options: EAL Level 2 Motor Vehicles BTEC Level 2 First Award in Travel and Tourism
Recruitment Limited entry to 15 students Entry for vulnerable students – not behaviour students GCSE results in Year 11 ranged from U grade to E
Entry Criteria Attitude to Learning: AL2 and above Deadlines: D2 and above Behaviour Points: below 15 An innovative learning programme which is part of the work-based learning route. It is designed to provide opportunities for young people who are not yet ready or able to take up a Modern Apprenticeship or further education or to move directly into employment.
Community involvement Worked alongside Swale Borough Council in the role of Digital Champions Working within our ‘Gateway’ Provision in Sheerness High Street as Customer Service Agents Working within the community in such an open area gave our students confidence and work ethic
Option Outcomes
2017 Offer Level 2 offer: to include Full-time offer Full-time offer No other choices to be made Employability – Asdan Resit GCSE Maths Resit GCSE English Language Functional Skills/Literacy Functional Skills/Numeracy Level 2 Jamie Oliver Cookery Course Options: EAL Level 2 Motor Vehicles BTEC Level 2 First Award in Travel and Tourism
Jamie Oliver Cookery Course Funded by Sheppey Matters (£23,000) in conjunction in with Nat West Bank Students to work alongside Award Winning Community Chef to complete practical element Theory completed within class (registered with BTEC) Running until January 2018
Future initiatives Funding offered by Sheppey Matters: Health and Safety Training along with Level 1 numeracy and literacy (starting January 2018) Review of local community involvement Continue to link with local business to gain work experience where possible However, we need to be mindful that enough time is given to each element of the overall course
ur Beliefs: Every Person No Excuses High Expectations No Islands Lead Learning
Proud to Belong