GENERAL PROGRAM INFORMATION: Program Starts: Monday, September 25th Time: 3:10 – 5:30 pm (M/T/Th) 1:10 - 3:30 pm (Early Release Wednesdays) Where: Meeker Middle School – Cafeteria *At the end of the school day, meet us in the cafeteria for program snack/meal and daily announcements. Cafeteria doors close at 3:20 pm (1:20 pm on Early Release Wednesdays). **Please bring your Student ID in order to check in to program.
PROGRAM FEATURES INCLUDE: Daily Snack and Meal Academic Support/Mentoring Enrichment Programs Field Trips Bus Transportation Home Much more!
FREE FOR ALL 7TH AND 8TH GRADE STUDENTS ATTENDING MEEKER MIDDLE SCHOOL Programs being offered: Session I Sept. 25 – Dec 15 Academic Support: Learning Labs Carreer Exploration: CEO Boss Life Sports and Fitness: Flag Football | Outdoor Soccer | KPR 2-Hr Sports Culinary Arts: Kent Parks and Rec Cooking | All-Stars: Top Chef S.T.E.A.M Projects: Computer Coding | DJ Music Prod. | Mentoring: Mentoring with G.E.M | Community Leaders | LEAP And much more to come!
HOW DO I REGISTER? To register: Pick-Up a registration packet from Mr. Bulala or Mr. Leifheit in the Meeker Afterschool Program Office - Room 207 or in the Main Office (Student Entrance) Registration forms are also located in the library and near the counseling offices A registration packet must be COMPLETED and turned in to participate in all of the programs being offerered after-school. Please also bring your SCHOOL ID when you check-in the for the first time.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Where do I go at the end of the school day? The MK After-School Program meets in the cafeteria starting at 3:10 pm (M/T/TH) and at 1:10 pm (Early Release Wed.) Am I eligible to join the MK After-School Program? Yes! Everyone is eligible to join the after-school program. Please turn in a COMPLETE Registration Form to Mr. Bulala or Mr. Leifheit in room 207 or Ms. Jex in the Main Office. How long does the After-School Program go for? Program is about 2 to 2 ½ hours after school. Program on: Mon/Tues/Thurs: 3:10 – 5:30 pm. Early Release Wed: 1:10 – 3:30 pm How will I get home? Activity Bus Home from program at the end of the day. May be picked-up by parent/guardian Permission to walk home
ANY MORE QUESTIONS? PROGRAM STARTS SEPT 25TH! Mr. Bulala | PSESD For more information please contact: Mr. Bulala | PSESD Site-Coordinator Room 207 | 253-373-6430 Or Mr. Leifheit | ASAS Site-Coordinator Room 207 | 630-253-1223 Mr. Bulala | PSESD PROGRAM STARTS SEPT 25TH!