Sustainable Urban Development : A Case Study On Goksu Delta Ilknur Akiner1, Ernur Akiner2 1 Mersin University, Architecture Faculty, Department of Architecture, Turkey 2 Bogazici University, Department of Civil Engineering, Turkey Presented by Ernur Akiner
Sustainable urban Development?
Goksu Delta Scientists say: Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment. Considering sustainable urban development, what can be done for upgrading the surface water quality? Goksu Delta
Goksu Delta is one of the five Turkish Wetlands under protection of Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar Convention is an international agreement held in 1971 in the city Ramsar, Iran. Protection of ecological values of wetlands, especially to protect the biodiversity of flora and fauna, is the main purpose of the Convention.
Settlement around the Goksu River in the 50’s Rapid urbanization: Settlement around the Goksu River of today The creation of new protected areas in watershed is a significant step for conservation. Preservation efforts in Goksu River Basin ecosystem are particularly important because of its great biological diversity.
DO concentration levels in the 8 sampling points Goksu River – Menderes and Akgol – Hurma Drainage Outlet (number 7 and 8) have the lowest values of DO concentration in recent years. This is mostly due to the agricultural practices and recent increase in the number of settlements close to these two channels.
Eutrophication control limit values for lakes Water quality classes according to Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation Eutrophication control limit values for lakes Water quality classification of waterbody according to Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation
One-sample T-Test was applied as a statistical test in order to judge on the exact water quality class of the waterbody in aforementioned rivers and channels. Since the available NO2-N data is continuous and also approximately normal, we can apply the One Sample T-Test One-sample T-Test: Whether the mean of a normally distributed population has a value specified in a null hypothesis.
High contents of nutrients in water such as nitrates and phosphorus are the major issues in terms of water quality, which are mostly focused on worldwide. Phosphorus loading from streams is a key factor in raising the risk of eutrophication in Akgol Lagoon and Paradeniz Lagoon. Eutrophication affects the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in lakes. High amount of fluvial sediment transported by feeding channels causes an eutrophication threat for the lagoons.
What we need to do for Goksu Water quality protection efforts should be applied considering The European Water Framework Directive. Water quality protection practices can be the modernization and construction of infrastructure, improvement of municipal and industrial waste handling, constructing additional waste water treatment plants, reduction of emissions wastes, and dangerous materials in agriculture. After the construction of treatment plant in Silifke, considerable increase in water quality has been observed in the region. However single treatment plant will not be adequate in the future for growing population. Biomanipulation could be an effective method for controlling eutrophication in Akgol and Paradeniz Lagoons. Following biomanipulation significant reduction in chlorophyll would occur. The best management technique could be the rearrangement of settlement in the region. Buffer zone implementations around the rivers and the coastal zone would help decrease the pollution loads carried to Goksu River. Another best management technique could be to constrain the use of pesticides in agriculture and to support the success of organic agriculture in the Goksu Delta area.
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