Particle Physics Group Christmas Meeting December 2016 Graham Miller R&D/Hardware Particle Physics Group Christmas Meeting December 2016 Graham Miller
Contents What has been achieved and main contributions: SuperNEMO. ATLAS End-Of-Stave (EOS) cards. LHCb. Student projects. Future work.
Tests at MSSL using a C section with HV board (M. Perry) SuperNEMO Tests at MSSL using a C section with HV board (M. Perry) Front-End Board (FEB) Soak tests on FEBs
Project Achievements HV board. Readout using a single FEB. 62 FEBs are currently in the process of being soak tested: Testing performed mostly in batches of 5 in the VME crate. 2 FEBs are at LAL and 1 board faulty. Total of 65 FEBs originally ordered. Buffer boards are put into production for the final phase of the soak tests. Tests are carried out at MSSL on a C section with reasonably successful results (undertaken with Mike Perry and UCL team): HV board. Readout using a single FEB. First stage of Trigger Chain firmware module complete (undertaken in conjunction with LAL): Operation verified using Signal Tap. Operation verified using ModelSim.
ATLAS EOS cards Altium Designer 3D model
EOS flex cards Front view Back view
Project Achievements Design a prototype EOS card to manage serial powering and module control. Define requirements for EOS card: Global supply voltage for DCS chips on modules. Monitor humidity and temperature. Contains a PIC Microcontroller which will be replaced with a DCS controller in the final design. Design flex PCB using Altium Designer. Eight EOS cards have been manufactured. Currently testing cards: Re-develop C code for the PIC microcontroller. Power supply tests. Analogue circuits.
LHCb Continued in collaboration with other institutions. Time quest analysis in Quartus. Workshop at CERN to verify readout capability of miniDAQ board. Event Isolations Flagging: Student project for 2017.
Student projects Pulser for SiPM project Amplifier for wire tensioning measurement
Future work SuperNEMO: Develop second stage of Trigger Chain firmware (readout). Long term soak tests. Integration and testing of hardware at Modane. ATLAS EOS card: Test prototype EOS card on half ring developed by Edinburgh/Liverpool Universities. Develop a second card using radiation hard components. LHCb: Test beam.
Merry Christmas Everyone! Thank you to the team!