System Safety Services All of US At System Safety Services Want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Fantastic 2017 Turn up your speakers, relax and enjoy the automatic show
This Background Picture is One of our Favourite Glen Curtis, the pilot is watching an AME adjust the motor while a helper was ready to swing the propeller
Life was simpler back then But we need that same teamwork today All three were required for the aircraft to fly They worked as a team Life was simpler back then But we need that same teamwork today Safety calls for teamwork with persons you may not even know This is something we all must work on
Teamwork calls for: * a Common Goal * Communication * Trust With teamwork, organizations are able to survive tough times It is a must if the threats to Safety are to be ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practical)
The following provides a view of life that is worth pondering I don’t know who the author is but I like the analogy he used to help us understand that life is what we make it Enjoy
The Echo That Determines Our Life A man and his son are looking out over a vast canyon The father says “”Yell something loud.” So the boy screams: “Hello!” Surprised, he hears a voice coming from nowhere saying: “Hello” So he screams: “Who are you?”, but the only answer he receives is: "Who are you?” This makes him angry, so he screams:
The Echo That Determines Our Life “You are an idiot!”, and the voice answers: “You are an idiot.” Puzzled, he asks his father: “what is happening?” “Son,” the man replies, “Pay attention!” Then he yells, “I admire you!” The voice answers: “I admire you!” The father then shouts, “You are wonderful!”. And the voice answers: “You are wonderful!”
The Echo That Determines Our Life “That.” the father explains, “Is what people call an ECHO’, but truly it is ‘LIFE’! Life always gives you back what you give out. If you want understanding and respect, then give understanding and respect! Life is a mirror of your actions. If you want more love, You must first, give more love! If you want more kindness, you must first be more kind!
The Echo That Determines Our Life THAT is a very wise father If you want people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect! This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives.” Life always gives you back what you give out. Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings. THAT is a very wise father
First you must pass a rigorous inspection A wish from all of us at Starting with our security team who will greet you at the door when you come to visit us First you must pass a rigorous inspection Hankie on guard duty 10
A wish from all of us at Starting with our security team who will greet you at the door when you come to visit us That will determine if you will be allowed to enter Hint They can be bribed with treats Chantal making the determination 11
A wish from all of us at Starting with our security team who will greet you at the door when you come to visit us But they have many other duties Security inspecting a delivered package 12
A wish from all of us at Starting with our security team who will greet you at the door when you come to visit us They are also highly trained Stress counselors 13
They are also highly trained Stress counselors A wish from all of us at Starting with our security team who will greet you at the door when you come to visit us They are also highly trained Stress counselors 14
We will be very sad to see you leave And now for the rest of the team A wish from all of us at Starting with our security team who will greet you at the door when you come to visit us We will be very sad to see you leave And now for the rest of the team 15
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy ,Healthy and Safe 2017 A wish from all of us at Gordon Dupont Daryl Adam Bill Foyle Goran Lundin Roger Hughes Brian Small Bob Rorison Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy ,Healthy and Safe 2017 16