The “Gucci” Steak Who likes juicy steaks?
Steaks – USDA Beef Grading Do you know there are different grades of beef? Which grade would you pay the most? Prime? Choice? Or Select? USDA prime is rated as the highest grade of beef and it costs the most because it is highest in quality and intramuscular fat, limited supply. Next is choice and select grade that we usually see in grocery stores. Select is usually the cheapest because it is the lowest grade commonly sold at retail, acceptable quality, but is less juicy and tender due to leanness. But who wants to pay at least 20 bucks for a prime grade steak all the time, especially if you have a family to feed? So I am going to show you a little trick that will save your wallet
Key ingredients Any “select” cut steaks (e.g., Filet, sirloin, rib eye, porterhouse, T-bone, NY Strip) Sea Salt Herbs Spices (optional) Here are the ingredients you will need to turn a regular select steak into a tender juicy “prime” steak
~1.25 inches thick steaks Here are the select steaks I got from Smith’s for about 20 bucks for the whole pack They are bone in rib eye about 1.25” thick
Liberally season with salt Liberally season the steaks with salt on both sides (about 1 – 1.5 teaspoons on each side) I know it sounds like a lot of salt, but don’t worry you are not eating all that salt
Add your favorite herbs and spices Then add your favorite herbs and spices like garlic powder, black pepper, parsley Cover them up and put them into the fridge
After 15 minutes You can see how the meat’s water is starting to come up to the surface and some of the salt is still on the surface of the steak
After 45 minutes Look at all the water from the steak and less salt on the surface…we want to let it sit on the counter for another 15 minutes
Rinse steaks before grilling Rinse the steaks and pat them dry with clean paper towels before seasoning with some black pepper and spices You don’t need to add any more salt unless you want some really salty steaks
Enjoy your “elevated” steak… And it’s time to put on the grill Grill to your liking and let it rest for 5 minutes before you cut into the steaks And you will have some tender juicy flavorful steaks
How salting works? Salt draws out water from meat Water dissolves salt and some of it gets sucked back into meat Salt does something funny to the protein cells When cooked, the relaxed, tangled proteins trap liquefied fat and meat juice Relaxed proteins = t-e-n-d-e-r meat at first salt pulls the water out and the water dissolves the salt some of the water gets sucked back into the meat...and also takes the other seasoning flavors deep into the steak But don’t worry about eating all that salt, only a little of the salt gets back into the meat…most of the salt get washed down the drain when you rinse off Besides getting the flavor into the meat, salt tenderizes the meat by breaking down the protein cells which traps liquefied fat and meat juice…so relaxed proteins means very tender meat
Key points Liberal use of sea salt Season both sides of steak Steaks 1” or thicker Wait at least 30-45 minutes Rinse steaks and pat dry before grilling Prepare seasoned butter to finish steaks to taste Here are the keys to turn a select steak into a prime steak