What does your future hold? Aspirations Week What does your future hold?
Day 1 – Aspirations Week Do you agree or disagree? Why? ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail’. John Wooden 1910 — 2010 ‘Before anything else, preparation is the key to success’. Alexander Graham Bell 1847 — 1922 Do you agree or disagree? Why? Discuss your opinions with your class. Reflect on the discussion in silence for 1 minute. Finish with your house prayer. Can students think of a time when they failed to prepare? What were the consequences?
Day 2 – Aspirations Week ‘The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will’. Vince Lombardi 1913 — 1970 Watch the clip on the next silde-How did Gilbert Arenas show will? Do you agree or disagree with him and the statement above? Why? Discuss your opinions with your class. Reflect on the discussion in silence for 1 minute. Finish with your house prayer. Can students think of a person who has shown determination to succeed?
Day 2 – Aspirations Week Gilbert Arenas is a basketball player who was determined to succeed in the sport he loved, he gained a place in the team of his dreams which had ‘Allstar’ players which would mean he would play for ‘0’ minutes (as they were all so good), he fought his way off the bench to ensure he did play and become one of the best players in the team.
‘Experience is the name that everyone gives to his mistakes’. Day 3 – Aspirations Week ‘Experience is the name that everyone gives to his mistakes’. Oscar Wilde 1854 — 1900 Watch the clip on the next slide-What did Usain Bolt learn from his mistake? Do you agree or disagree with the statement above ? Why? Discuss your opinions with your class. Reflect on the discussion in silence for 1 minute. Finish with your house prayer. Can students think of an occasion where they have made a mistake which has helped them improve in any way?
Day 3 – Aspirations Week Usain Bolt was 100 and 200M Olympic Champion and favourite to become World Champion at Dagu. Usain Bolt had a false start in the 100M final and was disqualified. The split screen shows how the final race compares to the semi-final, Usain made a simple mistake which cost him the title everyone presumed would be his. In the 200M final you can see his determination to not repeat his mistake and his elation at the end when he wins.
Day 4 – Aspirations Week Watch the clip on the next slide-Do you agree or disagree with the statements in the film ? Why? Discuss your opinions with your class. Reflect on the discussion in silence for 1 minute. Finish with your house prayer. What inspires you? Share them with the rest of your group.
Day 4 – Aspirations Week What are your dreams? Where will you be in 3/5/10/15 years time? What do you want out of life? How will you achieve your goals? Are material things important? How will you know you’ve been a success?