Is corruption innate to Politics? Topic 10 Challenges in the Late 1800’s
Corruption Plagues the Nation Inaction and corruption were political issues during the Gilded Age. This raised questions of whether or not democracy could succeed in a time dominated by large and powerful industrial corporations and men of great wealth. Under the spoils system, (first used by President Jackson) politicians awarded government jobs to loyal party workers, with little regard for qualifications. Parties developed sophisticated political machines that reached into every part of a voting district. In large cities, political machines were run by “bosses”. These groups, like Tammany Hall in NYC controlled cities for decades. The Civil Service system tried to end the corruption of the spoils system.
Boss Tweed
Farm Issues and Populism Following the Civil War, millions of men and women migrated west in search of the American dream. However, in the late 1800’s early 1900’s, their dream began to turn into a nightmare, which in turn sparked a political and social movement known as populism. Farmers blamed big business, especially railroads and the banks, for their difficulties. They protested that railroads, as monopolies, charged whatever rates they wanted. They said the banks set interest rates unfairly high. “There are three great crops raised in Nebraska. One is the crop of corn, one is a crop of freight rates, and one is a crop of interest. One is produced by farmers who sweat and toil to farm the land. The other two are produced by men who sit in their offices and behind their bank counters and farm the farmers.” -Farmer’s Alliance, 1890 What does it mean to farm the farmers?
Farmers Seek Change Through Alliances The Granger Movement-Organized in 1867 by a Minnesota farmer, and journalist. The organization known as the Grange attracted a million members. Their goals: provide education on new farming techniques and regulation on railroad and grain elevator rates. Munn v Illinois – Supreme Court case which led the creation of the (ICC) Interstate Commerce Commission. Local organizations linked together to form the Farmer’s Alliance. The spread of the Farmer’s Alliance culminated with the formation of the Populist Party (People’s Party). They worked for grass roots changes.