Charlottesville Omni October 23, 2017 VASS Fall Conference Charlottesville Omni October 23, 2017
Reform Has a Linear Trajectory To plan for what’s ahead we need to review what’s come before…..
The Past…..
What’s Been Done Reduced total number of SOL Tests from 34 to 29* Expanded expedited retake option to elementary and middle school students Implemented Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) to support “off grade level” assessments (key to growth) Shortened time required of tests (75% finish < 2 hours) Eliminated 140-clock-hour requirement Adjusted teacher licensure to encourage blended courses There were 27 tests available in 1998 counting ALL high school end-of-course tests offered.
What’s Been Done (continued) Broadened accreditation labels Implemented “Reconstituted Appeals” SOL Innovations Committee Recommendations Awarded 15 High School Innovation grants Implemented “Cyber Camps” to introduce new career path Expanded Tiered Systems of Support (VTSS) opportunities Changed tone of State Board interactions with Challenged Schools
The Present
What’s Underway Right Now Changes to Standards of Accreditation Regulations High School Graduation Requirements
What’s Underway Right Now Changes to High School Graduation Requirements (Profile of a Graduate): Emphasis on “5 C’s” Reduction in credits verified by SOL test Introduction of broader types of assessments (PBA) Stronger connections to careers and workforce Emphasis on “real world” problems
What’s Underway Right Now Changes to Standards of Accreditation Regulations High School Graduation Requirements School Accountability
Proposed Accreditation Indicators Performance Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Combined Rate for English Reading and Writing* 75% or higher (state benchmark) Between 66% and 74% 65% or lower Combined Rate for Math* 70% or higher Between 66% and 69% Pass Rate for Science* Achievement Gaps: English Reading and Writing* Less than 10 points below state benchmark 10 or more points below state benchmark Achievement Gaps: Math* Less than 5 points below state benchmark 5 or more points below state benchmark *Schools can improve the performance level on the indicator by decreasing the assessment failure rate by 10% or more
Proposed Accreditation Indicators Performance Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Graduation Completion Index† 88 or higher Between 81 and 87 80 or lower Dropout Rate‡ 6% or lower Between 7% and 8% 9% or higher Chronic Absenteeism‡ 15% or lower Between 16% and 24% 25% or higher College and Career Readiness Index 85% or higher Between 71% and 84% 70% or lower †Schools can improve the performance level on the indicator by increasing the index value by 10% or more ‡Schools can improve the performance level on the indicator by decreasing the rate by 10% or more
What’s Underway Right Now Changes to Standards of Accreditation Regulations High School Graduation Requirements School Accountability Final State Board approval anticipated for November ESSA Plan Review by USDOE Teacher Shortage Short Term Actions Task Force Report to Governor UVa Summit
The Future
What’s Ahead “How” to implement The Profile: Professional Learning and “real-life” models Creating Workplace Connections Guidelines for business engagement Promising practice models from Virginia divisions Providing Career Counseling – common platforms? Implementing Performance-Based Assessments Quality and Continuity Building Professional Development for teachers Related Reforms for K-8
What’s Ahead “How” to prepare for new Accountability Expectations: Responding to Level 2 & 3 outcomes – ALL must Plan for Improvement Achievement Gaps – a challenge for all Best Practice for Chronic Absenteeism responses Focus on dropouts
What’s Ahead (continued) Implementing “Zones of Innovation” Redefining School Improvement for new Accountability System Responding to Teacher Shortages Recruitment and Retention Continued focus on disciplinary outcomes and disproportionality
Your Role
My Appreciation
Superintendent of Public Instruction Questions? Dr. Steven R. Staples Superintendent of Public Instruction