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Presentation transcript:

CUMANN NA nGAEDHEAL IN POWER 1923-1932 Aims: Establish law and order Rebuild the economy Manage relations with Britain

Law and Order Oireachtas - Dail + Seanad Garda (unarmed) Courts Public Safety Act (wide powers of arrest) The Army Mutiny (dissatisfaction with redundancy and progress to republic) Richard Mulcahy (defence) resigned and leaders arrested.

The Economy Concentration on agriculture (A.C.C. - gave loans to farmers, lowered taxes) The Shannon Scheme (ESB)

Reasons Decline of Cumann na nGaedhael Blamed for the failure of the Boundary Commission Great Depression Cut in pay for teachers and garda Popularity of Fianna Fail

Relations with Britain Joined the League of Nations The Boundary Commission 1931 Statute of Westminster (allowed members to change any laws made for them by the British parliament)

FIANNA FAIL IN POWER Dismantling the Treaty Used the Statute of Westminster to abolish the Oath Got rid of the Governor General Removed the king as head of state New Constitution 1937

The New Constitution (Bunreacht na hEireann) Taoiseach replaced President as head of government President - head of state (Douglas Hyde) Articles 2 and 3 Special position of Catholic Church Called Eire not Free State

The IRA and the Blueshirts ACA elected Eoin O Duffy as leader, Blueshirts, Facists. DeV banned them after planned march on Glasnevin. Joined with C na G to form Fine Gael, O’ Duffy was first leader. Unpopular so went to Spanish Civil War.

The Economic War DeV refused to pay the Land Annuities. Fianna Fail put tariffs on imports from Britain British put tariffs on Irish cattle (Ireland hardest hit) Sean Lemass – encouraged irish businessmen to start factories making irish produce Anglo- Irish agreement 1938: £10 million compensation paid to Britain Tariffs reduced 3 ports returned (Cobh, Lough Swilly, Berehaven)

The Emergency Neutral : to show independence too weak for war Emergency Powers Act: Censorship Army built up. LDF 250,000 men.

The IRA a danger to neutrality The IRA a danger to neutrality. Some executed, some died on hunger strike and some interned. German spies North Strand 34 dead. Britain and US did not like our neutrality. Dev rejected their criticisms. What Lemass (Minister for Supplies) did: Irish Shipping Rationing Turf replaced coal The glimmer man

. 1948 – 1959 Defeat for DeValera because: People wanted a change Unemployment and emigration

1948 to 1951 The First Inter-Party government. Fine Gael, Labour and Clan na Poblachta. Taoiseach was John A Costello. Sean MacBride (external affairs), Noel Browne (Health). Achievments: 1949 Republic Marshall Aid built houses and hospitals Rural electricification Fight against TB IDA set up to attract foreign industry to Ireland The Mother and Child scheme

1951- 1954 DeValera in power. Better social welfare but still high unemployment and emigration

1954 – 1957 The Second Inter-Party government Joined UN Took action against IRA for border attacks (Clan na Poblachta pulled out of the government as a result)

1957-1959 DeV again interned IRA 1959 Dev became President for the next 14 years Lemass took over as Taoiseach

SEAN LEMASS AND THE 1960s Lemass appointed younger ministers like Lynch, Haughey and Donough O Malley TK Whittaker drew up the First Programme for Economic Expansion, which: Got rid of Protectionism. Encouraged exports. Grants and tax concessions to attract foreign industry

Lemass met Terence O Neill. New schools were built. Free Secondary education introduced First shopping centres built Finglas, Ballymun, Ballyfermot etc.were built. RTE set up ‘Swinging Sixties’ JFK arrived.

YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY 1966 –1985. Jack Lynch as Taoiseach 1966 – 1973 1970 The Arms crisis. Blaney and Haughey and Blaney sacked. Boland resigned in sympathy. Haughey later acquitted. The campaign to join the EEC. We signed up on the 1st January 1973.

The Coalition government 1973 – 1977 Fine Gael and Labour led by Liam Cosgrave. Oil crisis led to inflation and unemployment. Taxes increased. Sunningdale signed by Heath and Cosgrave but the new power-sharing agreement was broken by Unionist opposition 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings.