Advisory and Citizen Groups Jannell Vichique and Larissa Lopez
Objectives: 1. the meaning and importance of citizen participation 2. the role of advisory groups to organize and use the advisory group 4. how to promote and use the FFA Alumni group
Citizen Participation in Agricultural Education Interactions between the program and the community Requirements from agricultural teachers Herbert M. Hamlin
Cont. Meaning and Kinds of Advisory Groups Advisory Committee Layperson Program Advisory Committee Craft Committee Barriers to Citizen Participation School Guidelines and Rules Accountability of Schools High Schools becoming more like Colleges
Roles of Advisory Committees Advice Program Development Program Evaluation Other Functions Supervised Experience Involved in Politics of Education
Organizing and Using an Advisory Group Six Steps to a Productive Advisory Group Develop a Mission and a Purpose Gain Support of School Administrators and the Board of Education Choose the Members Choose and Elect a Chair and Other Officers Organize the First Meeting Establish Operating Procedures for the Committee
Cont. Program Evaluation by the Advisory Committee Does the curriculum adequately reflect the career needs of students? Are agricultural education courses sufficiently challenging and relevant to the best practices of the industry? Do all students have the opportunity to take agricultural education courses, provided the courses meet the students’ educational and vocational goals? Does the agricultural education program administer a supervised experience program, and do all agricultural education students have valid supervised experience? Do graduates have viable job opportunities upon completion of the agricultural education program? Are facilities and instructional equipment current with technology in the agricultural industry? Do adequate resources exist for carrying out the instructional program? Does the agricultural education program have a well-prepared and highly skilled and motivated agriculture teacher? Does the agricultural education program have an active FFA program, and do all students have the opportunity to join the FFA chapter? Is there an active FFA Alumni group affiliated with the agricultural education program?
Cont. Suggestions on Advisory Committees Rewarding members Making use of resource persons and data Develop a rational plan for terms of service Keep committee members productive
FFA Alumni The FFA Alumni is an adult group within the National FFA Organization Mission statement The mission of the National FFA Alumni Association is to secure the promise of FFA and agricultural education by creating an environment where people and communities can develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.
Cont. Governing Rules of the National FFA Association We value the integral nature of FFA and agricultural education. We value agriculture as an essential part of society. We value diversity in serving all populations. We value the development of the whole person. We value the impact of a teacher on a student’s life. We value the impact and involvement of parents/guardians and communities on a student’s life. We value the community’s support of agricultural education teachers and programs.
Cont. FFA Alumni and Local FFA Chapter Fundraisers for local FFA chapter State and national alumni conventions Big Bother / Big Sister programs Coaching and judging of Career Development Events Substitute teaching in the agricultural education program Celebrations, parties, and holiday activities.