SysML v2 Usability Working Session OMG Meeting Reston, VA March 21, 2017 Sanford Friedenthal 6/27/2018
Topics Usability Introduction & Session Overview – Sanford Friedenthal Ideas on Usability Layering -Bertil Muth Break User Centered Design Approach - Tricia Lagoon Facilitated Discussion on SysML v2 Usability Requirements 6/27/2018
Session Objectives & Approach Define minimal usability requirements/criteria and supporting assessment methods for SysML v2 RFP Increase awareness of usability concerns and approaches Approach Elicit inputs from modeling end users with a range of experience levels and modeling tool vendors
User Classes New modelers Seasoned modelers Consumers of model data Early career and experienced systems engineers learning SysML Seasoned modelers System engineers with experience in modeling, comfortable with using SysML and modeling tools Consumers of model data Other engineering disciplines who do not use SysML modeling tools, but need to understand and interpret model information Needs vary across lifecycle, disciplines, and application domains
Wikipedia Usability is the ease of use and learnability of a human-made object such as a tool or device.[1] In software engineering, usability is the degree to which a software can be used by specified consumers to achieve quantified objectives with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a quantified context of use.[2] 6/27/2018
Usability Criteria Usability Criteria New Modelers Seasoned Modelers Model Consumers Intuitive/understandability - Creating models High Medium Low - Interpreting models Modeling efficiency 6/27/2018
MBSE Learning Obstacles MBSE is a more rigorous/formal approach to address the inherent complexity of systems and SE methods System complexity (e.g, layered interfaces, complex state behaviors, complex structures with assemblies and subsystems) SE Methods must address multiple stakeholder viewpoints that span multiple requirements, multiple levels of design, across disciplines, and full lifecycle 6/27/2018
SysML Language/Tool Usability Issues Learning obstacles Definition/Usage (e.g., part vs block, action vs activity, ..) Maintaining consistency across views different kinds of behavior, structure, parametrics, requirements Model containment tree vs product structure Unfamiliar terminology from UML legacy and SysML (e.g., proxy port) Functional vs geometric concepts (enclosed by versus external to) Lack of engaging/intuitive domain-specific visualizations (i.e., boxology) Inability to express informal ideas and refine Ability to abstract Productivity obstacles in model construction Complexity of user interface Create/update one element at a time (too many clicks) Manual diagram layout 6/27/2018
SysML v2 Usability Focus Model Visualization Concept Model Construction Concepts Language Concepts and Formalisms 6/27/2018
Visualization Concept Source: C. Schreiber, J. Feingold, M. Sarrel Browser-Based Data Presentations Model Data User Contributor System Modeler Model Organization & Development Pattern & Model Library Definitions Model Customizations Model Updates Report Generation Model Execution Model Review & Comment Predefined Reports User-defined Views Heavy Model User Reviewer/Consumer Light Model User
Model Construction Concept Source: R. Williamson Model Construction Workflow Example [login] Execute Analysis Note: Iterative steps not shown Import Requirements Reference Library Analyze Requirements Batch Import & Transformation Component Library Select Reference Architecture Variant Execute Analysis Supports different classes of collaborative users (e.g., expertise, domain, life cycle) Driven by iterative / agile workflow Batch import, transformation & export Broad application of patterns & reuse libraries Textual, graphical and tabular model create, update and delete Model ownership, baseline & version management via Model Management Black Box/White Box Representations via Model Management Model views & usability via Model Visualization Requirements/Design Analysis via Model Analysis Integrate & Configure Component Designs Evaluate Architecture Designs Apply Patterns Update Baseline Commit to Server 6/27/2018
Other Usability Concepts Simple hierarchical lists with cross connections Mind maps Wiki’s 6/27/2018
SysML v2 Usability Expecations Should SysML v2 be simple (how does this contrast with mechanical and electrical design tools and languages) What are examples of user friendly languages (MATLAB, Simulink,. …) and user friendly interfaces (Apple/Iphone) How much of the usability is allocated to SysML v2 vs the tool vs the method How can customization address the usability needs (e.g., jargon/aliases, visuzliations, domain specific symbology, …) 6/27/2018
Usability Requirements 6/27/2018
Backup 6/27/2018
Requirement How quickly can a modeler find what they are looking for Level of assistance when stuck 6/27/2018