MAT 1234 Calculus I Maple Lab 1
Reminder Tomorrow is the first day you need to print out the handout and bring it to class.
Open… Maple Word
Reminder No communications between groups. You and your partners are supposed to come up with the answers. Do no use other resources such as Google. Make an arrangement with your partner to finish up the lab early. Do not wait until tomorrow to finish the lab.
Lab 1 Objectives To introduce the use of Maple and to become familiar with its graphing capabilities To explore the behavior of families of functions. To review properties of graphs from precalculus.
Lab 1 Due Tomorrow One subgrade deduction for every hour late
Download… Practice Labeling Document “Demo”
Label Multiple Functions on the Same Graphs
Insert A Text Box
Insert a Formula …
Remove the Edge
Move the Text Box …
Label Multiple Functions on the Same Graph Label your graph: Figure 1 Graphs of y=sinx and y=cosx on [0,2] y=cosx y=sinx
Descriptions y=cosx y=sinx
**Reminder** Be sure to SAVE you lab!!!! Email a copy to your partner. You may also want to save your Maple worksheet.