Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation NRC Order EA-12-051 Fukushima Regulatory Response Workshop April 6, 2012 Steven P. Kraft Senior Director Special Projects Nuclear Energy Institute
What We Saw at Fukushima Daiichi Seismic design bases exceeded in small Damage done by tsunami: Station Blackout (SBO) Rapid transit through SBO coping capability Spent Fuel Pools (SFP) survived intact with sufficient water Neither the SFPs nor the fuel in the pools contributed to the accident or releases Plant personnel would have benefited from SFP level indications in an accessible location
Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategy* and Spent Fuel Pools Provide water for spent fuel pool injection during severe events. In conjunction with pool level information now in control rooms, enhanced spent fuel pool level instruments will provide insights to decision makers as to when FLEX components should provide water injection to avoid fuel damage. FLEX equipment will include portable level instruments, portable power supplies and portable pumping capability * FLEX
SFP Instrumentation Order(1) Two independent channels of water level instruments: one installed/one portable or both installed. 3 level indication points: normal pool cooling; rad protection; fuel minimally covered (top of rack) Accessibility for installing portable and readout Missile protection provided by existing structures Non-safety-related, but with augmented quality requirements that can ensure reliability similar to fire protection. Installed channel(s) mounts seismically qualified consistent with the existing plant seismic class 1E.
Level Indications Proposed measurements Level 1* 1 foot granularity 10 feet Top of rack *Adequate to support normal operation ** Substantial radiation shielding & Actions to implement makeup water should no longer be deferred.
SFP Instrumentation Order(2) Environmental qualifications on both channels consistent with expected conditions of operation (e.g., temperature, humidity and radiation associated with the SFP evaporation/boiling.) (Reg. Guide 1.97 does not apply) Power supplies: Each channel powered by separate source; provide for back-up sources independent from plant systems Display: accessible location (Control Room or Aux Shutdown Panel not required) and available when needed. Trained personnel (not limited to operators).
Order Milestones NRC Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) issued by August 31, 2012 The licensees submit plans to the NRC no later than February 28, 2013. NRC review plan, ask for additional info (RAIs), issue plant-specific order Full implementation to be completed no later than two refueling cycles after the issuance of the ISG or December 31, 2016, whichever comes first. If relief on schedule desired, request at time of plan
Next Steps Public meeting on guidance: March 29, April 18, May 1 Industry input prior meetings May 8 – 10 NEI Used Fuel Conference with special session on regulatory issues May 31: NRC issues draft ISG for 30 days TBD: NRC public meeting on draft ISG TBD: Industry utility/vendor workshop June 29: Industry comments on draft ISG