Their Eyes Were Watching God and Pride and Prejudice Mid-book Discussion Their Eyes Were Watching God and Pride and Prejudice
Rules Everyone is expected to speak and share their ideas Do not allow yourself to go unheard Do not just rely on gut feelings, use your book You may bring up real life connections, but they must be based on textual evidence If you are going to read a quote, find it before you speak
What effect does social class have on characters’ relationships or possible relationships?
How does societal or family pressure/expectations affect who someone will have relationship with? Will people actually ignore these pressures for what they want?
What are the requirements for marriage in your novel What are the requirements for marriage in your novel? Do these change for men and women? Why or why not?
How important is honesty and communication in a relationship How important is honesty and communication in a relationship? Are any of your characters justified in lying or withholding communication? Why or why not?