Year 7 Polymer ERGONOMICS ANTRHOPOMETRICS Ergonomics is the relationship between people and the products they use. Anthropometrics is used to help design products to meet ergonomic needs. Ergonomics also considers the force a person can apply, for example when using a tin opener, or pedals for a car. Anthropometrics is the study of the sizes of people in relation to products. For example, chairs used in schools need to be suitable for the average size of pupils in the schools. How in formation is used depends on the product being designed. Below is an image of some measurements you might need to use to help design a comfortable office chair. This would be different depending on the product which is being designed. In order to design a product so that it performs well ergonomically we need to consider how big human body parts are. This is called Anthropometric Data and this information is collected and recorded from people all around the world. The information is taken from key sizes of the body and is displayed using images like the one below.
POLYMER (Categories and Types) THEROMPOLYMERS THERMOSETTING POLYMER Thermo polymers can be heated and shaped many times Thermosetting polymers can only be heated and shaped once Name Properties Uses Polyamide (Nylon) Creamy colour, tough, fairly hard, resists wear, self-lubricating, good resistance to chemicals and machines Bearings, gear wheels, casings for power tools, hinges for small cupboards, curtain rail fittings and clothing Epoxy Resin Good electrical insulator, brittle unless reinforced, resists chemicals well Castings and encapsulation, adhesives, bonding of other materials Polymehthyl methacrylate (Acrylic) Stiff, hard but scratches easily, durable, brittle in small sections, good electrical insulator, machines and polishes well Signs, covers of storage boxes, aircraft canopies and windows, covers for lights, wash basins and baths. Melamine formaldehyde Stiff, hard, strong, resists some chemicals and stains Laminates for surfaces, electrical insulation, tableware Polypropylene Light, hard but scratches easily, tough, good resistance to chemicals, resists work fatigue Medical equipment, laboratory equipment, containers with built in hinges, polymer seats, string, rope, kitchen equipment Polyester resin Stiff, hard, brittle unless laminated, good electrical insulator, resists chemicals well Casting and encapsulation, bonding other materials Polystyrene Light, hard, stiff, transparent, brittle, with good water resistance Toys, especially model kits, packaging, polymer boxes and containers Urea formaldehyde Stiff, hard, strong, brittle, good electrical insulator Electrical fittings, handles and control knobs, adhesives Low density polythene (LDPE) Tough, good resistance to chemicals, flexible, fairly soft, good insulator Packaging, especially bottles, toys, packaging film and bags High density polythene (HDPE) Hard, stiff, able to be sterilised polymer bottles, tubing, household equipment