Planet In Peril Vocab. Terms


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Presentation transcript:

Planet In Peril Vocab. Terms

Extirpated Species extinct from a specific area Ex. Wolves Yellowstone park

Endangered Species in danger of going extinct. Less than 1000 of a species. Threatened Species with low numbers in danger of becoming endangered. Extinct - Species that no longer exists.

Biodiversity Variety of organisms in a given area Global Warming Warming of the atmosphere Greenhouse Effect - Atmosphere traps heat around the Earth.

Ozone Layer - Layer in the atmosphere made up of O3, three oxygen molecules bonded together, blocks a lot of harmful UV light. Chloroflourocarbons - CFCs, gases that deplete the ozone layer

6 Kingdoms Animals Plants Fungi Protists Eubacteria Archeabacteria

Order of Classification Kingdom Keep Phylum Plates Class Clean Order Or Family Family Genus Gets Species Sick

What is believed to be the source of all the carbon dioxide in the air? Burning of fossil fuels

What is coral bleaching What is coral bleaching? - coral bleaching happens when the coral expels the alga that helps it photosynthesis and turn sunlight into sugars that are at the base of the food web due to increase water temperatures; the coral dies and disrupts the feeding structures; coral reefs also serve as nursery for marine species and therefore affect the pelagic zone of the ocean.

Deforestation - Cutting down of trees.

HIPPO Habitat Loss Destroying habitats, organisms die due to this. Invasive Species An organism that is not native to an area is introduced and competes for food with the native species Ex. Zebra mussel in lake erie

Pollution Harming the environment with toxins or gases. Population Growth Increasing human population; need more resources Ex. Asian countries Over Consumption People taking more than they need Ex. China consuming many endangered species

Current rate of species extinction? 18-50 species a year The science of protecting species. Conservation biology What countries are the top importers of illegal wildlife? U.S., China Why are endangered species sold around the world? - food, clothing, pets, traditional medicines.

What are specialist organisms? Organisms that eat only one thing, they have a special role in the environment, keeping what they eat in check. If they die out the ecosystem will change affecting other organisms. What is a keystone species? - Species that is important in keeping the ecosystem stable, when the species is removed the ecosystem changes drastically.

Trophic cascade When a species is removed the ecosystem changes drastically. What is the current rate of consumption around the world? - 30% more than what the world can regenerate.