Theories in psyhcology


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Presentation transcript:

Theories in psyhcology Freud & Lotf Theories in psyhcology

Freud's Theory on the human mind Id The most primitive, concerned with fulfilling basic needs and physical urges. "I want that now" Superego Concerned with social rules and moral standards, the moral compass of the mind. "It's not right to do that" Ego The true self and the balance between the Id's needs and the superego's. It's job is to satisfy the needs of both sides. "Maybe we can compromise."

Applying to lord of the flies At your group table discuss which characters from Lord of the Flies represent each part of Freud's personality theory. Which character is the id? The ego? The superego? Use at least one quote or situation from the book as evidence to support your chosen answers.  What possible themes emerge from your discoveries?