Origin of the Economic Development Design in the Traimit Model In the 2003 ASEAN Summit, the second declaration of the ASEAN Concord II emerged the three pillars on the Vision 2020: ASEAN Security Community (ASC) ; ASEAN Economic Community (AEC); and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC). These will be the strategic opportunity of the member states of the ASEAN region to cooperate and coordinate in working together to accelerate economic growth, promote regional security and socio-cultural development.
In the Traimit Model, the rationale of this project is in the synergy of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) through the ASEAN Integration of the region by 2015 . In the AEC, the cooperation member states will enhance the economic growth in the ASEAN region. The Traimit Model through the Yaowarat-Traimit Community implemented the AEC Model through the brainstorming activity among the community representatives, scholars and school representative to educate the AEC and local networking.
In the Traimit Model, the rationale of this project is in the synergy of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) through the ASEAN Integration of the region by 2015.
TRAIMIT MODEL: ON GLOBAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENTOF THE 2015 ASEAN INTEGRATION Adoption of the TRAIMIT Model established by PHRAPROMMANGKALACHAN, President of the ROMCHATRA FOUNDATION and the CONFUCIUS CLASSROOM AT Trimitwittaya High School in advocating and sustaining the International Education Program on the ASEAN Study Center and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) program.
Background In 2012, the Quality Learning Foundation (QLF) established an agreement with Romchatra Foundation to develop Traimit Model for the ASEAN Economic Activity. The Traimit model was designed to prepare the ASEAN Economic Community for the economic development of Thailand based on the Yaowarat-Traimit Community and with the leverage on the grounded principle of “Home-Temple-School (HTS)” as focal point of the educational development in the basic education of Thailand.
Educational Development Design for Basic Education of the Traimit Model This project was implemented through the creation of the ASEAN Study Center, and HTS Model. Asean Study Center HTS ASEAN Study Center. Home-Temple School Chinese Language Confucian Classroom
II. Strategic Direction of the ASEAN Goals in the International Education Development Program of the Traimit Model These are the guiding principles of the ASEAN Goals in the adoption of the Traimit Model on the 2015 ASEAN Integration.(The HTS model in preparation for ASEAN Community) To accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations. (AEC and ASCC: Promotion of Economic Growth and Cultural Development in the 2015 ASEAN Integration)
2. To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter. (ASC: Conflict resolutions and adherence of regional peace and stability) 3. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interests in economy, social aspects, culture, science and administration. ( AEC and ASCC: Linkages and Collaboration with ASEAN partners)
4.To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interests in economy, social aspects, culture, science and administration. ( AEC and ASCC: Linkages and Collaboration with ASEAN partners) 5. To provide assistance among nations in terms of research in education profession, technical and administrative spheres. ( AEC and ASCC : Research in Education profession, Technical and Administrative spheres)
6. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interests in economy, social aspects, culture, science and administration. ( AEC and ASCC: Linkages and Collaboration with ASEAN partners) 7. To provide assistance among nations in terms of research in education profession, technical and administrative spheres. ( AEC and ASCC : Research in Education profession, Technical and Administrative spheres)
2015 ASEAN Integration : Adoption of Global Education for the Traimit Model Best Practice in the Adoption of the three (3) Pillars of the 2015 ASEAN Integration 1) Socio-Cultural Development 2) Economic Community 3) Political Development b) Academic Collaboration in the Basic Education, Higher Education and Advanced Education (Universities and Colleges) 1) Conference 2) Training-Workshop 3) Dialogue and Forum 4) Lecture and Professional Training
c) Capacity Building and Sharing Lesson Learned on the Program Advocacies of the Higher Education Institutions ( Universities and Colleges) d) Research Collaboration and Academic exchanges in sharing the development expertise of the HEIs.
Conceptual Paradigm of the Traimit Model Traimit Model Strategic Action of the ASEAN Integration ROMCHATRA FOUNDATION Traimit Model for Global Education Development Program ASEAN Member States Universities Colleges and Institutes Center of Excellence and Development Basic Education Institutions Adoption of the Best Practices in the ASEAN Universities and Colleges Socio-Cultural Development Economic Development Political Development Facilitating the TRAIMIT MODEL: University of Northern Philippines Conceptual Paradigm of the Traimit Model
Traimit Model Strategic Action of the ASEAN Integration Academic presentation through conference, forum, lecture, seminar-workshop and training Benchmarking academic of the best practice of quality and excellence in Higher Education Institutions (Universities and Colleges) Collaboration and linkages in the conduct of multidisciplinary and technical researches Program Advocacies on Political, Socio-Economic, Educational Development in the ASEAN ROMCHATRA FOUNDATION Traimit Model for Global Education Development Program Facilitating the TRAIMIT MODEL: University of Northern Philippines
Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges Traimit Model Strategic Action of the 2015 ASEAN Integration Academic presentation through conference, forum, lecture, seminar-workshop and training Benchmarking/adoption of the best practice of academic quality and excellence in Higher Education Institutions (Universities and Colleges) Collaboration and linkages in the conduct of multidisciplinary and technical researches Program Advocacies on Political, Socio-Economic, Educational Development in the ASEAN ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC)
Traimit Model for Global Education Development Program: ROMCHATRA FOUNDATION Traimit Model for Global Education Development Program: Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic Programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) A single market and production base A highly competitive economic region A region of equitable economic development, A region fully integrated into the global economy ASEAN Political-Security Community A Rules-based Community of shared values and norms; A Cohesive, Peaceful, Stable and Resilient Region with shared responsibility for comprehensive security; and A Dynamic and Outward-looking Region in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) a) Human and Social Development b) Respect for Fundamental Freedoms c) Gender Equality d) Human Rights e) Social Justice
Traimit Model (Romchatra Foundation) Strategic Action and Development Agenda of the 2015 ASEAN Integration Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic Programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges I. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) A. A Single Market and Production Base : 1) Free Flow of Goods; 2) Free Flow of Service; 3) Free Flow Investment ; 4) Free Flow of Capital ; 5) Free Flow of labor B. A Highly Competitive Economic Region 1) Policy Competition; 2) Consumer Protection; 3) Intellectual Property Rights; 3) Infrastructure Development; 4) ICT Development ; 5) Energy Cooperation ; 6) Mining Development ; 7) Financing of Infrastructure 8) Taxation; 9) E-commerce; 10) Mitigating Green House Emission C. A Region of Equitable Economic Development (SME) D. A Region Fully Integrated into the Global Economy
Traimit Model (Romchatra Foundation) Strategic Action and Development Agenda of the 2015 ASEAN Integration Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic Programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges II. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Human and Social Development; Respect of Fundamental Freedoms; Gender Equality; Human Rights and Social Justice Human and Social Development Advancing and Prioritizing Human and Social Development in the ASEAN Integration a) Universal Access to Primary Education b) Early Child Care Development c) Quality and Adaptability of Education d) Life-long learning f) Education Networking g) Gender and Equality f) Cultural Heritage h) ASEAN Development Program i) English Proficiency Program
Human and Social Development Advancing and Prioritizing Human and Social Development in the ASEAN Integration Investing on Human Development a) Center of Excellence in Human Development b) English as an International Business Language c) Information Technology d) Gender and Development e) Global Competitiveness f) Skills Development for Youth and Persons with Disabilities 3. Promotion of Decent Work a) Social Impact Policies b) National Skills Framework c) Industrial Peace and occupational Safety 4. Promotion of Information Technology a) ICT at all Levels of Learning
Human and Social Development Advancing and Prioritizing Human and Social Development in the ASEAN Integration Investing on Human Development 3. Promotion of Decent Work Promotion of Information Technology Facilitating access to applied Science and Technology (S&T) a) Network of S & T Centers of Excellence b) Academe –Industry Linkages on S&T c) Technical and Academic Collaboration on Science and Technology Strengthening entrepreneurship skills for women, youth, elderly and persons with disabilities a) Entrepreneurship Skills 7. Building Civil Service Capability a) Public Accountability b) Public Service Mechanisms ( Effective and Efficient public service ; Service Standards ; Citizens Feedback Procedures; and Output-based Performance Rating Systems
B. Social Welfare and Protection Poverty Alleviation Social Safety Net Food Security and Safety Health Care and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle Control of Communicable Diseases Drug Free Disaster Resilient and Safer Communities C. Social Justice Rights and Welfare of Women, Children, the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Rights of the Migrant Workers Corporate Social Responsibility D. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability Global Environmental Issues Transboundary Environmental Pollution Environmental Sound Technology Environmentally Sustainable Cities Environmental Policies and Data Bases Coastal and Marine Environment Management of Natural Resources and biodiversity Feshwater Climate Change Forest Management
a) A Rules-based Community of shared values and norms. Traimit Model (Romchatra Foundation) Strategic Action and Development Agenda of the 2015 ASEAN Integration Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic Programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges III. ASEAN Political-Security Community a) A Rules-based Community of shared values and norms. b) A Cohesive, Peaceful, Stable and Resilient Region with shared responsibility for comprehensive security. c) A Dynamic and Outward-looking Region in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world.
A Rules-based Community of Shared Values and Norms 1. Cooperation on Political Development a) Political Systems, Culture and History of ASEAN Member States (Share experiences on democratic institutions; gender mainstreaming ; popular participation; and best practices of voluntary electoral observations) b) Mutual support and Assistance among ASEAN Member States (Media capacity and professionalism; co-production and exchanges of films, TVs, animations, games and new media content) c) Rule of law and judiciary systems and legal infrastructure (Rule of law judicial system ; legal systems; promulgation of laws ; legal infrastructures; and curriculum of legal systems) d) Good Governance (Best practice on transparency, accountability, participatory and effective governance) e) Human Rights ( Universal declaration of human rights, human rights institutional mechanisms of sectoral bodies, fundamental freedoms and human rights ,rights of women and children and rights of migrant workers ) f) Corruption g) Principles of Democracy
Traimit Model (Romchatra Foundation) Strategic Action and Development Agenda of the 2015 ASEAN Integration Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic Programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges I. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) A. A Single Market and Production Base : 1) Free Flow of Goods; 2) Free Flow of Service; 3) Free Flow Investment ; 4) Free Flow of Capital ; 5) Free Flow of labor B. A Highly Competitive Economic Region 1) Policy Competition; 2) Consumer Protection; 3) Intellectual Property Rights; 3) Infrastructure Development; 4) ICT Development ; 5) Energy Cooperation ; 6) Mining Development ; 7) Financing of Infrastructure 8) Taxation; 9) E-commerce; 10) Mitigating Green House Emission C. A Region of Equitable Economic Development (SME) D. A Region Fully Integrated into the Global Economy
2. Shaping and Sharing of Norms ASEAN promotes regional norms of good conduct and solidarity, in accordance with the key principles enshrined in the ASEAN Charter. In this context, ASEAN also continues to uphold the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), the SEANWFZ Treaty and other key agreements, as well as the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC) in the South China Sea III. CONFLICT PREVENTION/CONFIDENCE BUILDING MEASURES In the area of defence and regional political consultations, ASEAN Defence Officials have been involved in the ASEAN security dialogue since 1996. Under the framework of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF),ASEAN has made voluntary briefings on political and security developments in the region and regularized meetings of high-level defence officials under the ARF Defence Officials’ Dialogue (DOD) and the ARF Security Policy Conference (ASPC). ASEAN has also established an annual ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) and ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meetings.
These are the Strategic Actions and Development Agenda of the 2015 ASEAN Integration of the Traimit Model (Romchatra Foundation) Adoption of the Best Practices in the Academic Programs ASEAN Universities and Colleges Academic presentation through conference, forum, lecture, seminar-workshop and training Benchmarking/adoption of the best practice of academic quality and excellence in Higher Education Institutions (Universities and Colleges) Collaboration and linkages in the conduct of multidisciplinary and technical researches Program Advocacies on Political, Socio-Economic, Educational Development in the ASEAN
International Education Development Program of the Traimit Model Collaboration In November 15,2013, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between University of Northern Philippines and Romchatra Foundation: The MOU provides the collaboration and cooperation in the blended education program and international education development program such as the educational development of the ASEAN region through the international conferences on academic research in education, business and governance; and international workshop on the best practice of the university programs and basic education program.
Traimit Model Strategic Action of the ASEAN Integration ROMCHATRA FOUNDATION Traimit Model for Global Education Development Program Adoption of the Best Practices in the ASEAN Universities and Colleges Socio-Cultural Development Economic Development Political Development ASEAN Member States Universities Colleges and Institutes Center of Excellence and Development Basic Education Institutions Facilitating the TRAIMIT MODEL: University of Northern Philippines
ROMCHATRA FOUNDATION Traimit Model for Global Education Development Program Traimit Model Strategic Actions of the ASEAN Integration