Warm Up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32l3sTFRFX8 Copy down these questions in your notes (you’ll answer them after the video.) 1. Reaction to the video. (What do you think?) 2. Does this video look like America today? 3. Should immigrants “melt” together, or should people keep their identities? Why?
A few terms to know… Tolerance - accepting (putting up with) people who are different. Diversity - A variety of people in one place Assimilation - Changing to fit into a group e pluribus unum - Latin for: “Out of many, one.”
Tossed Salad vs. Melting Pot Variety of people Lose unique identity One “American” culture Different people become similar Assimilation Learn English Don’t keep language Variety of people Keep identity/culture Tolerate differences Different people all living together. No assimilation Learn English Keep old language too
Agree or disagree? (stand up) (sit down) Knowing English should be a requirement for citizenship. Knowing English should be a requirement to live here with a green card. Too many religions in one place cause unnecessary conflict. The more different religions in a country, the better. It keeps people open-minded. Schools with very diverse populations are better for all students. Teenagers learn better with people who are like them. This makes them feel more comfortable.
Agree or disagree? (stand up) (sit down) 7. The government should pass laws requiring tolerance and encouraging diversity. 8. It’s up to individuals if they want to be tolerant or not. As long as nobody is getting hurt, it isn’t the government’s business. 9. Our country would have fewer problems if everyone was the same race and religion and spoke the same language. 10. The benefits of diversity outweigh the negatives.
Time to write down some ideas… At the bottom of your notes: 1. Which theory do you think best represents reality in America? 2. Which theory do you think we should try to be like? 3. List three reasons for your opinion. Writing Prompt… In your best five paragraph essay, argue why the melting pot theory OR the tossed salad theory is the BEST. You can either argue that one is the most accurate (#1) or the most ideal (#2).
Write 1 intro paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion. Writing Prompt… In your best five paragraph essay, argue why the melting pot theory OR the tossed salad theory is the BEST. By “best,” you can either argue that is the most accurate (#1) OR the most ideal (#2). Explain which you pick. Write 1 intro paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion. I am not grading on anything but EFFORT. If I see you trying hard and working at it, you’ll get an A for this assignment. But…do your best!! Show me your best writing, so I can challenge you, instead of giving you assignments that are too easy or too boring.