House for Sale
House Information 29,000 sq. ft. 3 bed/4 bath 2 story chateau style house Large kitchen w/ walk-in freezer and pantry Large dining room Game room 2 libraries (Music and Book) Space for a pool Home theater
18,125 ft.2
10,875 ft.2
Flooring Type Room(s) Costs Carpet Bedrooms, Closets, Libraries, Lounge, Theater, Studio, and Game room. $10,848.5 Hardwood Hallways, Sports bar, Common area, balcony, and dining room. $205,875 Tile Bathrooms and Kitchen $18,500 Brick Patio $18,000 Rubber Theater $12,500
Costs & Square footage Costs Price Square footage Cost to build $638,000 First Floor 18,125 ft.2 Fixtures $75,000 Second Floor 10,875 ft.2 AC Units (16, 5 ton units) $128,000 House 29,000 ft.2
Total Cost $1,106,723.5