Duties of SM, CSM & RSM
Stage Manager (SM) Works directly to the production manager. Co-ordinator of the production. Contribute to the planning of production schedule. Monitoring that the deadlines are met. Responsible for running of rehearsals, propping, planning scene changes. Overall control of the running of a performance and manage the stage. Responsible for signalling the cues for the actors and technicians. Ensuring the production does not make any substantial departure from the original during the absence of the director Ensures rehearsals and performances comply with the Healthy & Safety policy. Up keeping the morale of the team.
Company Stage Manager (CSM) Company Stage Mangers are usually employed in commercial theatre. Responsible for the overall running of a production in performance. In pre-production they will be responsible for the employing of production staff and the co-ordination of the various department involved. In performance they have sole responsibility for the running of the show. This includes the payment of staff and in some cases the documentation and monitoring of box office receipts. They should be familiar with all contractual matters concerning the performers, staff and the venue. Ensuring that contractual conditions are adhered to on both sides. They will additionally be required to take understudy rehearsals, directing the action as indicated in the prompt copy. In small companies, the Company Stage Manager takes the responsibilities of the Stage Manager as well.
Resident Stage Manager (RSM) Works for a venue rather than a company e.g. HKCC, Art Centre. Liaise with visiting companies regarding their technical requirements & fulfils the role of a co-ordinator. May also be the Head of the Technical Team in the venue and will be responsible for work roster & major decisions (depends on the venue’s staff structure). To supervise the set up of visiting companies & provides assistance. Sometimes stage manage the shows for visiting companies, but this only happens with simple shows or one-night-stand. Ensuring the smooth running of the show. Ensuring the smooth operation of the stage facilities. Upholding safety rules and regulations on stage. Writing daily log and report on the activities in the venue to the management. Attending regular meetings with management for improvement in policies, services and problems. The maintenance of venue is also part of the RSM’s job. The RSM should report on things that need repairing.