Toxic Hallucinogenic and Allergic Plants 1
1. Introduction Humans learned about plant toxicity early on, by probably the hard way. When toxicity was high, it was exploitedمستغل for hunting or for war; when it was moderate, humans learned to watch out for it.
In fact, vernacular namesاسماء العامية document this empirical knowledgeالمعرفة التجريبية (poison hemlock, deadly nightshade, henbane, dumbcane من النباتات المنزلية المفضلة نظراً لجمال أوراقها , poison oak). Early on as well, humans recorded their observations.
In common language, toxic plant is equatedيتساوىwith poison hemlock, digitalis, belladonna, in other words “lethal” plants. Fortunatelyلحسن الحظ, the problems caused by the plants in our environment are generally less dramatic. They mostly have multiple facetsجوانب اوجه.
Respiratory allergy, allergic dermatitis, phytophotodermatitis, and thorn injury are plant problems as probable as ingestion.
Defining exactly what constitutesيشكل a poisonous plant is not easy; almost any plant can cause nausea and vomiting or intestinal cramping when enough is ingested. However a suitable definition is that poisonous plants are those which contain specific components that when small quantities are used (via ingestion or just via contact) cause specific biochemical alterationsتبديل تحويل or physiological symptoms.
In 1994, the United States poison control centers (AAPCC) recorded 103,616 calls. The magnitude of these figuresضخامة هذه الأرقام is an invitation to determine the circumstancesظروف وملاباسات of the calls, to evaluate the true consequencesنتائج و عواقب of the accidents, and to inventoryجرد the plant species at faultخلل.
Health professionals, physicians, pharmacists are the first to be concernedالمعني with incidentsالوقائع الاحداث and accidents caused by plants. Pharmacist are considered the only health professional members who are familiar in botany, so is the main defense line.
Humans learned about plant toxicity early on, by probably the hard way. When toxicity was high, it was exploited تستغل for hunting or for war; when it was moderate, humans learned to watch out for it. In fact, vernacular names document this empiricalتجريبي knowledge (poison hemlock, deadly nightshade, henbane, dumb- cane, poison oak). Early on as well, humans recorded their observations.
In common language, toxic plant is equatedتتساوى with poison hemlock, digitalis, belladonna, in other words “lethal” plants. Fortunately, the problems caused by the plants in our environment are generally less dramatic. They mostly have multiple facets. Respiratory allergy, allergic dermatitis, phytophotodermatitis, and thorn injury are plant problems as probable as ingestion.
Defining exactly what constitutes a poisonous plant is not easy; almost any plant can cause nausea and vomiting or intestinal cramping when enough is ingested. However a suitable definition is that poisonous plants are those which contain specific components that when small quantities are used (via ingestion or just via contact) cause specific biochemical alterationsتحويلات تبديلات or physiological symptoms.
In 1994, the United States poison control centers (AAPCC) recorded 103,616 calls. The magnitude of these figures is an invitation to determine the circumstancesظروف ملابسات of the calls, to evaluate the true consequences العواقب النتائجof the accidents, and to inventoryجرد the plant species at faultخلل.
It is well known that many plants produce chemical compounds which cause different reaction for other living organisms, either in direct contact or by ingestion. Primary compounds can be defined as those required for a plant's basic metabolism. Secondary compounds, loosely, are all others. Many of the secondary metabolites would be toxic to the organism producing them if allowed to accumulate or become concentrated in living tissues.
Plants evolved طورت self-protective ways of handlingمعاملة معالجة potentially toxic secondary metabolites by: removing them physically into metabolically inactive locations (e.g. bark, vacuoles, roots, etc); converting them into non toxic compounds via specific chemical reactions (hydroxylation); Plants found that secondary metabolites gave them an opportunity for effective defense against attack by herbivorousاكلات العشب insects.
For years, emphasisالتركيز التأكيد was shown mainly on these plant compounds possessing many therapeutically activities. Poisonous plants are to be found among all types of native plants: algae, fungi, ferns, herbs, shrubs, and trees.
Some of our most cultivated ornamentalsنباتات الزينة are extremely poisonous and these plants very common in houses and public buildings. Fortunately, relatively large amounts of most plants are necessary to produce serious or fatal poisoning in man.
The majority of the victimsضحايا in poisoning are children; small children have a great curiosityحب الاستطلاع and will often chew on anything within reach. Much smaller amounts of the toxin are needed to cause very severe or fatal results.
The toxic constituents of these plants are determined by different factors such as: stage of the development, climate and other environmental factors, habitat, plant parts, and different varieties of the same species. The term poisonous plant designatesيرمز many kinds of plants as well as a wide range of poisonous or disturbingمزعج مقلق effects. These effects may generally be classified as:
2. INTERNAL POISONING CAUSED BY EATING PLANT PARTS Gastrointestinal Irritants Oxalates ( calcium oxalate, oxalic acid) Protoanemonins ( protoanemonin, ranunculin) Toxalbumins ( ricin) Saponins ( hederin, cucurbitacin E)
Action on the heart muscle ( Cardiovascular Stimulants/ Depressants) Cardenolides ( oleander, squill) Diterpene Alkaloids ( aconite) Glycosteroidal Alkaloids ( solanine, solasodine) Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids ( Iycorine)
C. Colchicinoids D. Carcinogenic irritant Eupborbiaceae F. Action on the autonomic nervous system - Anticholinergics ( hyoscyamine, scopolamine) - Nicotinomimetic Alkaloids (coniine, nicotine) G. Cyanogenic Plants ( amygdaline, prunasin) H- Toxins and Teratogens I – Miscellaneous
ALLERGIES OR ALLERGIC REACTIONS TO WIND-BLOWN SPORES OR POLLEN. Inhalant Allergens Ingestant Allergens Injectant allergens Contactant allergens
5. Hallucinogens Fungi Lysergic Acid Derivatives (LSD) Indian Hemp Ibogain DMT ( Dimethyltryptamine) Peyote Coca and Cocaine Alkaloids of Opium
Our objectives are to increase the awarenessالوعي of these potential dangers, to aid مساعدةin the identification of the more common poisonous plants native, ornamental or cultivated in Jordan, and to assistمساعدة you in the recognitionالتعرف ادراك تمييز of symptoms and treatment of such cases. This field is where the practicingممارس pharmacist, in his ever-expanding clinical role of adviser, can make an outstandingمرموق contribution to public health and community welfareرفاهية سعادة.