Biomes Scientists divide the world into large natural areas called biomes. Desert and rainforest biomes are two that you’ve probably heard of. Each biome is known for certain kinds of plants and animals. But what’s really at the heart of a biome is its climate. How hot or cold is it? How much rain and snow fall every year?
Tundra Climate Average annual temperatures is -58 °F Plants Mosses, heaths and lichen. Animals Polar Bears, Arctic Fox, Musk Ox, Wolves, caribou. Location Northern Hemisphere : Alaska, Northern of Canada and Russia.
Desert Climate From 32 °F at night and 113 °F at day. Plants Cactus, shrubs, Cardón, Camel Thorn Tree, Prickly pear, Saguaro. Animals Snakes, lizards, tarantulas, dingo, porcupines, coyotes. Location North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Tropical Rainforest Climate Around 80 °F Plants Thousands of types of flowering plants Animals Hummingbirds, monkeys, snakes, Frogs, three-toed sloths. Location Africa, southeast of Asia and south America.
Savanna Climate 61°F. In dry season is 93 °F Plants Pine trees, palm trees, shrubs. Animals Lions, leopards, deer, crocodiles, vultures, cheetahs, kangaroos. Location Africa, Australia, India and South America.
Chaparral Climate 30-40 °F Plants Cactus, poison oak, scrub oak and shrubs. Animals Jackals, lizards, Bobcats, cougars, deer. Location Mexico, Europe and the Northern part of Africa.
Corral Reef Climate From 70 to 85 °F Plants Algae and sea grasses. Animals Jellyfish, crustaceans, sea turtles, sea snakes, sea stars. Location Indo-Pacific region, Australia, American and African west coasts.
Ocean Climate The average temperature is 39 °F Plants Several types of water plants. Animals Whales, sharks, octopus, dolphins, sea cucumbers, squids. Location This biome occupies 71% of the planet’s surface.
Fresh Water Climate From 39° to 71°F Plants Spike rush, bull rush, pickerel weed, cattail, and water lily, mangrove leaves. Animals Manatees, frogs, raccoon, mosquitoes Location Florida, Amazon River, lakes in Russia.
Taiga Climate From 64 to 72 °F. In winter -14 °F Plants Coniferous, pines, oak, maple and elm trees. Animals Mooses, lynx, bears, wolverines, foxes, squirrels. Location North America and Eurasia.
Wetland Climate Vary depending on the location: −58 °F, 51 °F or 122 °F. Plants Water plants, trees, mangrove and shrubs. Animals Amphibians, Alligators, turtles, snakes, Insects. Location On every continent except Antarctica.