The Great War (1914-1919)
Four Main Causes Nationalism - extreme pride in your country . B. Militarism - Military preparedness, a.k.a. stockpiling weapons. Imperialism - Competition for overseas colonies. D. Alliances - Partner with countries to watch each others backs.
How did it start? Who was Gavrilo Princip? (the shooter) I was part of a terrorist organization aimed at freeing my home country from Austro-Hungary. Death to Imperialists! Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand? (the shootee) I was the leader of Austro-Hungary. I was touring Sarajevo on the anniversary of our capture of the city.
Alliances Form Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Italy? Allied Powers France Great Britain Russia Italy? Reasons for war?
1. The Alliance System Triple Entente: Triple Alliance:
Trench Warfare
Trenches in the Great War
Trenches in the Great War
Trench Warfare Images: To be used with reading
Trench Foot
Trench Food
Sacrifices in War
Dead and wounded 15 Million People Died in WWI
Poison Gas