Performance Planning & The Budget LCDR Heather Morrison Officer of Performance Management and Assessment April 16, 2010
Performance Planning & The Budget Agenda Federal Budget Overview CG Budget Process Link to Strategic/Performance Planning
Federal Budget Overview 6/27/2018 Federal Budget Overview
Overlapping Budget Cycles Audit Begins Year End Close out FY10 Execution Mid-year Reviews Performance and Accountability Report FY11-15 FYHSP FY11 Budget Appropriation Act FYHSP to Hill Execution Budget to Hill Hearings / QFRs OMB Budget Justifications to DHS FY12-16 FYHSP FY12 Budget Component Resource Allocation Plans (RAP)/Budget S1/S2 Summer Review FYHSP/ Budget Justifications to OMB Passback Integrated Planning Guidance (IPG) FY13-17 FYHSP FY10 Budget Planning / Strategic Assessments Draft IPG Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
PPBE Process PPBE (the DHS resource allocation process) 6/27/2018 PPBE Process PPBE (the DHS resource allocation process) DHS resource allocation is governed by the PPBE system. The PPBE system is used to develop its Future Years Homeland Security Program, as well as the annual President’s Budget request. Planning (CG Budget Build) establish strategic priorities and capabilities required to achieve the strategy Programming (DHS Stage) applies the resources to programs to provide the capabilities required to achieve the strategic priorities Budgeting (OMB/C-Stage) properly prices the programs, develops justification, and an execution plan Evaluation performs and monitors the approved plan
Federal Budget Stages: DHS-Stage 6/27/2018 Federal Budget Stages: DHS-Stage Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) March: RAP due to DHS Programming Execution Budgeting Planning
Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) Purpose is to allocate limited resources in achievable program packages over a five year period Comprehensive Submitted electronically in FYHSP w/supplemental info as required Provide performance measures (outcome!) Aligned with strategic goals/objectives/DHS priorities BY + 4 years of program requirements: Description/Purpose of base program Justification for increasing/new initiatives and unfunded requests, link to change in performance Justification for year-to-year program/project changes Aligned to support achieving planning priorities (IPG) 5 year investment plan - investments linked to programs and performance Program Performance goals and measures Describe how changing resources/funding will affect performance With few exceptions, if program requests are not ID’d in RAP, will not be in budget
US Coast Guard Budget Process Link to Strategic/Performance Planning 6/27/2018 US Coast Guard Budget Process & Link to Strategic/Performance Planning
USCG Budget Process
Establishing Intent…Translating to Action USCG Budget Process Establishing Intent…Translating to Action
USCG Budget Process Implement Performance Plans & Budget SOPP Strategic Planning Direction The Mission Performance Plans, DCO Integrated Performance Plan, Coast Guard budget submission and future-years Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) are key products of the implementation phase. Initiatives and courses of action provided by these establish direction to guide operational planning and execution.
How does this apply to me? “Program proponents bear the burden of proof to demonstrate that the programs they advocate actually accomplish their goals, and do so better than alternative ways of spending the same money.” The President’s Management Agenda, 2002