1. What is latitude? What is longitude? Include direction


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Presentation transcript:

1. What is latitude? What is longitude? Include direction Latitude measures distances north and south of the equator Longitude measures distances east and west of the Prime Meridian

2. What are minerals? What are rocks? Minerals are naturally forming, crystalline substances that have unique chemical compositions and properties Rocks are made of minerals

Minerals have a unique internal arrangement of atoms 3. Why do minerals have distinct properties such as cleavage or hardness? Minerals have a unique internal arrangement of atoms

Ig rocks have glassy texture, gas pockets, visable mineral crystals 4. What are the characteristics of sedimentary rocks? Igneous rocks? Metamorphic rocks? Sed rocks have bedding, fossils, sandy texture, other rocks compacted together Ig rocks have glassy texture, gas pockets, visable mineral crystals Meta rocks have banding and foliations

5. What is chemical weathering? What climate is optimal? Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rock into a new substance by water and air Warm and humid climates are best

6. What is physical weathering? What climate is optimal? Physical weathering is the breaking apart of rock into sediments such as ice wedging Cold and humid climates are best

7. What shaped valleys do streams form? Glaciers? Valleys form V-shaped valleys Glaciers form U-shaped valleys

8. Describe sediments deposited by a stream, wind and waves. Sediments deposited by water are round and smooth Sediments deposited by wind are small and form sand dunes

9. Describe sediment deposited by glaciers and landslides. Sediments are unsorted and have angular edges

Abrasion is wearing away of the outer surface 10. What is abrasion? What are the agents of erosion that cause abrasion? Abrasion is wearing away of the outer surface Streams, wind, waves cause abrasion

11. Describe the relationship between stream velocity and particle size. As the stream velocity increases the particle size it can carry also increases

12. Describe the relationship between particle size and settling rate. As the particle size increases the settling rate decreases

13. Describe stream velocity in a meandering stream? Straight stream? The velocity in a meandering stream goes faster on the outside of the curve, slower on the inside When a stream is straight, the water goes fastest in the middle just below the surface

14. What is the driving force behind erosion? Gravity

15. What are striations? Parallel scratches left in bedrock after glacier

16. How do ocean waves deposit sediment? Beaches, sand bars and barrier beaches Sand and rounded pebbles arranged in layers

17. What type of landscape region is the Catskills? Plateaus

18. How are landscapes classified? Hillslopes, stream drainage patterns, type of bedrock, elevation

Along plate boundaries and fault zones 19. Where on Earth do earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building occur? Along plate boundaries and fault zones

20. What is a fault? Crack in the crust

21. How do we find the exact location of an earthquake? Find time difference between p-wave and s-wave arrival times Use “paper trick” to get epicenter distance Do 2 more times and draw circles Earthquake occurred where 3 circles intersect

22. How do we know information about Earth’s Interior? From studying seismic data

23. What is a hot spot? Where stationary magma plume rises as plates move over the top creating a volcano

Continental – less dense, made of granite and thickest   24. Compare the 2 different types of crust in terms of density, composition and thickness? Continental – less dense, made of granite and thickest Oceanic – denser, made of basalt and thinner

25. How do we know the distance a seismic station is from where the earthquake happened? By finding the difference in arrival time of the p-wave and the s-wave and using the “paper trick”

Mid-ocean ridges, age of rocks, magnetic reversal   26. What is sea floor spreading? What evidence do we have that it exists? The moving apart of the bottom of the ocean floor due to diverging plates Mid-ocean ridges, age of rocks, magnetic reversal

27. What is magnetic reversal? Rocks take on the polarity of the Earth at the time they were cooled and because Earth switches polarity so do rocks

28. What is the “Paper Trick”? When do we use it? Used to find epicenter distance when we know the time difference between the p and s waves

30. Distinguish between P-waves and S-waves. P-waves: primary waves, travel fastest, go through solids and liquids S-waves: secondary waves, travel slowest, go through liquids only

The area opposite the epicenter that receives no waves 31. What is the shadow zone?   The area opposite the epicenter that receives no waves

  29. If given a seismogram, describe how you would find the epicenter distance? Find the difference between the p-wave and s-wave arrival times, use “paper trick”