Plea for Native American Unity
Tecumseh Why would “Indians” fight against the United States?
We return to our good friends Tim and Moby… What is Tecumseh’s legacy? (what impact did he make)?
Native American Removal
A Plea for Native American Unity Tecumseh tried to unite rival groups of Native Americans to defend themselves. To do so, he appealed to people to remember the history of Native American relations with the whites. Read the following excerpt from this speech, which Tecumseh gave to several thousand Choctaw and Chickasaw warriors.
Underline 1 or 2 sentences You should have AT LEAST 5 circles Write 2 SPECIFIC questions and put the ? Symbol. Include one ! near your favorite line Make a connection to reading by finding and labeling 1 simile or metaphor.
Using Context Clues- 2nd Read Word Context Clue & Explanation Predicted Meaning plea “plea” is in the title (“A Plea for Native American Unity”) and I know that the speech is about Tecumseh asking all the tribes to unite so that they can stand up to the white men, so “plea” could be when you are asking for something because Tecumseh is asking the Native Americans to unify. To ask for something Have out loose leaf and your speech.
Using Context Clues- 2nd Read Word Context Clue & Explanation Predicted Meaning unanimously avarice extricate calamities fatigue annihilation foe
Using Context Clues- 2nd Read Word Actual Definition unanimously Adverb: A vote/ agreement where all people agree avarice Noun: greed (wanting more money that you need) extricate Verb: To escape from calamities Noun: Terrible events/ disasters fatigue Noun: Exhaustion/great tiredness annihilation Noun: Total destruction foe Noun: enemy
Homework Annotations and Context Clue predictions should be finished by Wednesday. (You do NOT have to look up the words.)
Text-Dependent Questions Use evidence from the text to answer ALL questions P1: How can the Natives avoid being conquered by the whites? P1: What will happen if the tribes do not unite? P2: Who were defeated by the white intruders already? How were they defeated? P2: According to Tecumseh, what will happen if they do not take his advice? Whole Speech: What evidence suggests that nature is an important part of native American Culture. Whole Speech: Based on the text, list three ways white intruders will change the land. Whole Speech: What type of language does Tecumseh use to make his speech sounds like a conversation with his audience? Give an example from the text.