What are Maps?
Is this a map?
Is this a map?
Is this a map?
Is this a map?
Is this a map?
Discuss with your partner what you think the following are: A globe A map A continent An ocean Use the next slide to match up the definitions – write the key word and then the definition.
Match up the keywords: Map Globe Continent Ocean Definitions Map Globe Continent Ocean These are the 7 large land masses that make up the Earth e.g. Asia. They include countries. A map is a 2-dimensional (flat), diagrammatical (picture) representation of an area. They are drawn to scale. A sphere shaped model which represents the Earth A large body of water e.g. the Pacific
Task: Complete the map of the world to show the location of the continents and oceans. Use the Atlas to help you.
Note: please use Australasia not Australia
The Oceans: there are 5 major oceans
STACK Scale Title Accuracy Compass Key
What should a physical map show?
Remember to STACK your map! Physical map of China Task: Using page 100-1of the blue Collins Student World Atlas and pg. 30 in Geog.3, neatly and accurately shade in and label the following features: UPLAND AREAS (brown): Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas SEAS: East China Sea, South China Sea, Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan RIVERS (blue): Yellow, Yangtze, Pearl, Songhua Extension: add mountain peaks and their names e.g. Label the countries which border China Remember to STACK your map! Ben Nevis 1344m