Mrs. Ramirez 1st grade E 105
A little about me I am married with two children. Maya is 4 years old and attends the preschool here. Mateo is a year and 9 months. I have been teaching for 14 years in Murrieta. I taught K, 5th, and mostly 1st.
Attendance *The first bell rings at 8:18 and school begins promptly at 8:20. Go directly to our line when the first bell rings *If you are going to be absent, please call or send the office an e-mail. You can also e-mail me and I will forward the message. *Please wait 24 hours AFTER A FEVER BREAKS before sending your child back to school
Daily Schedule Mondays- 8:20-1:35 Tuesday – Friday- 8:20 – 2:30 (This schedule is subject to change and is similar on Mondays) **library is on Tuesdays * PE is also imbedded in the day and the grade level has PE on Fridays 8:20-8:35- Morning Opener- attendance, lunch count, journal, Daily Language Practice 8:35-9:55- literacy centers 10:00-10:20-recess 10:20-11:15- Language Arts/writing 11:15-11:55- Lunch 11:55-1:00- Math 1:00-1:30- iread (computer program) 1:30-1:40- Recess 1:40-2:20- Arts, science, or social studies 2:20-2:30- star share, clean-up and dismissal
Lunch/snack/clothes *Please provide a separate healthy snack in addition to your child’s lunch. No soda or candy please! *Pre-pay for school lunches at This is greatly appreciated by our cafeteria staff and keeps our line moving quickly and hungry kids fed! *Label EVERYTHING!!! *Labeled water bottles are permitted in the classroom. I prefer “pop” tops over lids (spills!!)
Positive Reinforcement Rules and rewards Classroom Rules 1. Listen to the person speaking 2. Follow Directions 3. Work quietly 4. keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself 5. Be kind with your words and actions Positive Reinforcement 1. Praise, Praise, Praise! Stickers Respect checks /treasure box Classroom complements- certain amount gives them a treat- free time, movie, ect.
Classroom management In my classroom I use a Behavior Clip Chart as a classroom management tool. The colors are as follows: -Purple: Super- Respect check and ultimate treasure box -Blue: Nice Job! Respect check and sticker -Green: Good! (we all start here each day) Respect check -Yellow: Warning This is a 2nd warning!! (a verbal warning was already given) -Orange: Time out -Red: Lose recess and note/call home!
Homework Each child will be given a STAR folder: Students Taking Active Responsibilities. This is an important tool to keep your child organized and responsible for their academic resources. The STAR binder needs to be brought to school EVERYDAY. Please assist your child in keeping this binder safe and clean. Please document daily reading on their monthly homework calendar. Please keep this in their folder. Homework will consist of: Go Math daily- possibly supplemental math sheets (due daily) Reading 15 minutes daily (listed on homework calendar) Rainbow words- this can be apart of your child’s daily reading
I COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP! Parent Volunteers *We will not start volunteers until September. *I LOVE parent volunteers!! *I need volunteers for centers, prep work, Rainbow words program, & PE. *There are forms on the back table if you would like to fill out one. I COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP!
Awards Soaring Sprit Awards: These awards are given at Soaring Assemblies. There is a theme for each award that includes the schools motto: HEART as well Character counts. You will be notified in advanced if your child will be receiving an award so that you can attend the assembly. I will notify you via email. Lunch with the principal These awards are given to students throughout the school year that are showing academic achievement/improvement. They will be given an invitation to the lunch on Thursday and I will also let you know via email. Artist and author of the month I will submit work from your child and it will be judges by a panel of teachers. I will notify you if you child is a recipient of an artist or author of the month award via email. They will receive their award at one of our Friday Spirit Assemblies.
The other stuff Star of the Week: Each student will be Star Student for one week info will come home the week prior Super Scientist: This student will take home a jean bag that contains a lab coat, protective glasses, and a science book. This book will contain simple experiments that they can do with you and they will record their findings as well as take pictures of their science experiment. This bag will also be sent home on Fridays and will be due the following Thursday to give you and your child sufficient time to complete.
The other stuff Book orders: Periodically throughout the year, you will be receiving a book order newsletter from Scholastic, Troll Book Club, etc. These offer great children’s books at a minimal cost to you. Donations: My classroom wish list will be posted on the board inside the door or on my newsletter. All donations are greatly appreciated! Birthdays: I love to celebrate birthdays in my class. Small store bought treats may be brought to school. PLEASE notify me in advance!!
Communication *Communication is the key to a successful year. *A great parent/teacher partnership leads to a successful child. *Please e-mail me or drop a note in their folder (please let them know) if you have any questions or concerns about anything. I will return your e-mail ASAP.
Thank you I am looking forward to an amazing 1st grade year. Thank you for sharing your child with me this year. We are going to learn so much and have a blast along the way! Mrs. Ramirez