Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes
Climate / Location Location: Southwest Texas Average Precipitation: 60.1- 80 Temperature: Summer: 80-90 degrees Winter: 50-60 degrees Wind speeds: 7.6
Soil Vertisols Mollisols Vertisols: are clay rich soils that can shrink and swell. During dry period the soil shrinks and cracks are formed. The soil only expands in wet moisture Mollisols: they are soils of the grassland horizons. They are featured by thick , black horizons. They are the most important soil in the world for agricultural purposes. Vertisols Mollisols
Landforms Barrier island, estuaries, bays, tall grass prairies, salt grass marshes, rivers are some of the landforms that can be found in a gulf coast marshes and prairies. Rivers Estuaries Bays Barrier island Salt grass marshes Prairies
Animals The gulf coast prairies and marshes contained a vast diversity of animals. Some of the animals are rosette spoonbills, whooping cranes, muskrats, bull frogs, pelicans, alligators and much more. whooping cranes pelicans alligators bull frogs rosette spoonbills muskrats
Plants The gulf coast marshes and prairies contains a huge diversity of plants. Some of the plants are Meadow pink, Coral bean, Sugarberry, Water oak, Spider lily. Water oak Coral bean sugarberry Pink meadow Spider lily