Federal Program Directors Summer Meeting Welcome & Overview Federal Program Directors Summer Meeting Embassy Suites June 18, 2015 Internet: CRWEM
Federal Updates ESEA Reauthorization: Every Child Achieves Act (Senate) -Expected to reach floor by July -Expected Debate: Portability, Title I Formula Changes, Governance, Accountability, Opt-Out, Student Data Privacy http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/siteASCD/policy/ESEA-114th-bill%20comparison.pdf
Federal Updates ESEA Waiver Renewal - Submitted on March 30, 2015 Responded to Reviewer Feedback on May 22, 2015 Verbal Confirmation that Application is Approvable Awaiting Official Announcement with First Set of Approved States
Accountability 2015 Assessment Data Utilized for Diagnostic and Administrative Purposes 2014 Designations will Remain in Effect Through the 2015-2016 School Year Final Business Rules for A-F to be Approved by WVBE after Review of 2015 Assessment Data
WVDE Reorganization Division of School Effectiveness -Office of Federal Programs -Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure (OPP) -Office of Student and School Support (School Improvement)
ESEA Committee of Practitioners Reconstitution Function: Review and Comment upon Rules, Regulations and Policies related to ESEA Programs No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Section 1903 “Each State educational agency that receives funds under this title shall create a State committee of practitioners to advise the State in carrying out its responsibilities under this title. “
Membership Majority from LEAs: -Administrators (Central Office and Building Level) -Teachers (including Vocational, Special Education, ELLs) -Parents -Local School Board Members -Private School Representatives -Pupil Services Personnel
Membership Responsibilities - Review Proposed Documents and Provide Stakeholder Feedback - Interactive Webinars for Specified Policy and Procedural Changes (2-3 a year) -Face-to-Face (Early Spring) www.tinyurl.com/copsignup2015 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kygkfmJVPu8iUsfPQew5hxIvXTJSPmmpayt4e5vK1vk/viewform?usp=send_form “The duties of such committee shall include a review, before publication, of any proposed or final State rule or regulation pursuant to this title.” “In an emergency situation where such rule or regulation must be issued within a very limited time to assist local educational agencies with the operation of the program under this title, the State educational agency may issue a regulation without prior consultation, but shall immediately thereafter convene the State committee of practitioners to review the emergency regulation before issuance in final form.” Meetings as necessary for review of policies and procedures. Mailed Policies and/or procedures for review as needed. Committee members are appointed and replaced as necessary.
Monitoring Cycle 2015-16 Group 1 – Grant, Mingo & Nicholas Submission deadline of October 1, 2015 Group 2 – Calhoun, Ohio & Wayne Submission deadline of December 1, 2015 Group 3 – Jackson, Logan & Mason Submission deadline of February 1, 2016 Group 4 – Marion & Pleasants Submission deadline of April 1, 2016 Deadline times Show Federal Programs Monitoring Site Walk through each document
Comparability SEC 1120A. Fiscal Requirements. (c) Comparability of Services (3) Each LEA shall develop procedures for compliance with comparability and maintain records that are updated biennially (every other year) -Move toward an automated Comparability application on WOW. -regional meetings many had the opportunity to preview your data. -We did a couple of updates since then. In particular looking at the enrollment data and ensuring that it is consistent with Percent Needy report. -The app is now ready and can be found in the federal programs area. -Angie is going to show you the steps here in a moment about how to finalize your report for submission. -Before you go and review your comparability data. Want to clarify the requirements in ESEA it states. -While we will continue to calculate on an annual basis there is some interpretation that suggests that review would only need to occur every other year. -Provide you some relief in reporting this year. -So, for those limited number of counties who are not showing comparable this year, you will have the opportunity to review data and make adjustments/ prepare for next year. -Next year we anticipate that the application ill be ready concurrently with the Percent Needy report. -So for making your submissions this year, you have several choices. You will be able to submit the auto report, You can upload your own version that you might have calculated, or you can use the manual function and submit from this version. -In Any case you have some flexibility in view of the regulations.