UE EXAM PAPERS There are five exam papers in the AS-level Use of English Examination. The exam papers are designed to test whether candidates have acquired the language skills for further studies and/or future employment.
UE PAPER A Paper A: Listening Test Exam Time: Approximately 1 hour Full Mark: No fixed full mark, but past exam papers show that the full mark falls in the 90-100 mark range Mark Allocation: Each blank carries ONE mark regardless the length of the answer
UE PAPER B Paper B: Writing Exam Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes Full mark: 9 marks Mark Allocation: Candidates’ scripts are assessed on a NINE point scale according to the content and language accuracy of the scripts.
UE Paper C Paper C: Reading & Language System Exam Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes Full Mark: Full mark varies from year to year, but it usually falls in the 110-120 mark range Mark allocation: Each question in the Reading part carries TWO marks while the other questions carry ONE mark each.
UE PAPER D Paper D: Oral English There are two parts in the Oral examination: (1) Presentation (2) Group Discussion
UE PAPER D Preparation Time: A group of 4 to 5 candidates are given 10 minutes to prepare for the two parts of the oral exam Presentation Exam Time: Individual candidates are given TWO minutes to present the main ideas in the short passage he/she is given
UE PAPER D (2) Group Discussion Exam Time: 12 minutes The group of candidates have a discussion on the topic which is related to the passages they have read and done the presentation
UE PAPER D (1) Presentation Full Mark: 7 marks Candidates are assessed on a SEVEN point scale The marking criteria are: (1) Intelligibility (2) Accuracy
UE PAPER D (2) Group Discussion Full Mark: 7 marks Candidates are assessed on a SEVEN point scale The marking criteria are: (1) Range of vocabulary & structures (2) Fluency (3) Intelligibility (4) Turn-taking skills
UE PAPER E Paper E: Practical Skills for Work & Study Exam Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes Full Mark: Full mark varies from year to year, but it usually falls in the 80-90 mark range Mark Allocation: Short Tasks usually carry marks around 20 while extensive writing tasks carry marks from 40 to 50
UE PAPER E Marking Criteria: (1) Content (2) Organization (3) Style (4) Relevance (Marking criteria may vary slightly from task to task. Those listed are the most common ones.) Of the four general marking criteria, content marks have a lion share of the marks allocated to individual tasks.
UE EXAM PAPERS Sample past exam papers are available from your UE teachers. Ask your UE teachers if you want to know more.