Devoirs… Year 8 French Homework 2017 – 18 Autumn T1
Vocabulary Learning - - Learn the vocabulary by heart – to spell and to say out loud for a writing test next week. Detail is on the Homework Hub
/10 Test Des bottes Une casquette Une chemise Une écharpe Des gants WWW: I can identify… EBI: I will…. Words you got wrong write both the French and the English /10 Des bottes Une casquette Une chemise Une écharpe Des gants Un jean Une jupe Des lunettes Un survetement Une veste
Il porte/elle porte… Find a picture of a person and glue it to a blank piece of paper. Using this week’s vocabulary and adjective rules, compose 2 or 3 sentences to describe what they are wearing. Can you add some connectives and opinions??
Week 3 – 18/09 a. Write the English meaning. b. Memorise the vocabulary below for a spelling test Adjectives .
/10 Test 28th September Le look branché En soie à la mode Je voudrais… WWW: I can identify… EBI: I will…. Words you got wrong write both the French and the English /10 Le look branché En soie à la mode Je voudrais… Je préfère… Leather I hate Practical Classic look In my opinion
Le temps Create an eye catching poster showing the seasons and different types of weather in French.