3rd Punic War (149 B.C.E.) Carthage pretty decimated


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Presentation transcript:

3rd Punic War (149 B.C.E.) Carthage pretty decimated Massive debt and attacked by neighbors Senator Cato called for its complete destruction Siege and destruction of Carthage Lasted 3 years Romans eventually broke through Slaughtered Carthaginians; razed Carthage to the ground; enslaved survivors

Chapter 7.2 The Decline of the Roman Republic

Growing Unrest Growing gap between rich and poor Senate too powerful Small farms decline; huge estates rise (used slaves) Farmers move to cities Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus attempt to give land back to peasants Both assassinated

New Role of the Army Marius (107 B.C.E.) changes way to recruit soldiers Volunteers from landless poor Loyal to general, NOT to Rome Land promised to them Generals must get involved in politics Sulla dissolves popular assemblies (keeps Senate) Importance: Example of “Might makes right”

End of the Republic (82-31 B.C.E.) Triumvirate A government by three people with equal power 1st Triumvirate Julius Caesar Pompey Crassus

1st Triumvirate Dominated the political scene Julius---->Gaul Crassus---->Syria Pompey---->Spain Dominated the political scene Crassus killed in 53 B.C.E. Senate wants Caesar to step down Julius crosses Rubicon River Civil War in Rome Caesar victorious over Pompey Officially made dictator

Dictator for Life (47 B.C.E.) Caesar’s Reforms Increased size of Senate Gave land to poor Citizenship to allies Ides of March, 44 B.C.E. Julius assassinated by group of Senate members Threw Rome into chaos

Grandnephew and heir to Julius 2nd Triumvirate (44-31 B.C.E.) Octavian Marc Antony Lepidus Grandnephew and heir to Julius

1st Roman Emperor Octavian becomes Augustus Caesar Given title of imperator (commander-in-chief) Large standing army Augustus’ reign stabilizes society Augustus rebuilds and beautifies Rome Strengthens morale Declared a god upon death by the Senate