GS 221 Work and Society week 2.3 Dr. Haydar Badawi Sadig
Durkheim (1858-1917) A founder of sociology A founder of quantitative sociology (vs. qualitative sociology) A founder of structural sociology (vs. micro-sociology) A founder of functionalist sociology (vs. conflict school) Dr. Haydar
Durkheim’s research focus Traditional society Modern society Dr. Haydar
Traditional society: mechanical solidarity by same culture links the individual to society without any intermediary. In what way social members are integrated: the collective conscience (culture; the totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society) Work: all social members work the same or similar What happens to non-integrated members (to enhance solidarity): Repressive law Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Modern society: organic solidarity by different work The society is a system of different functions united by definite relationships In what way social members are integrated: division of labor Work: People work differently What happens to non-integrated members (to enhance solidarity): restitutory law (restore what was before ) Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
The DOL enters a pathological state and a source of disintegration Anomic DOL: economic depression; class conflict Forced DOL: forced to take a position not fitting for him or her. Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar
Dr. Haydar